Chapter 10

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- 3 months Later-

~Avril's P.O.V~

It has been three months. Within these three months I finally got my cast off, my board got fixed, me and Liam made up and I saw my mom. We are on okay terms now.

The boys were on their world tour, and since I couldn't be left alone because of 'trust' I had to go with them. But I'm not complaining. I can travel the world AND we go to NYC so I can see my double gangers!

Right now we were sitting in the hotel room in Italy.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Louis said. We all nodded. "Me first! Zayn truth or dare"


"I dare you to skip around the entire floor in nothing but your underwear chatting 'I'm a little teapot'" Louis said smirking.

"Fine. This will be easy" he said. He stripped down to his boxers and went in the hall. "It's freezing out here"

He began skipping and singing. "I'm a little teapot short and stout. Here is my handle here is my spout..."

He ran back into the room and put his clothes back on. "Cold...." He said between his chattering teeth.

"Okay. Av truth or dare" Zayn said.

"Dare" I said

"Make out with Louis for the next 5 minutes" he said. I saw Liam glare at him.

"This is just weird. He's almost 21 and you're not turning 18 until NEXT year." Liam said.

"So. I've slept with guys much older than him" I said.


"What" I said covering up. I went over to Louis and our lips connected. I heard the boys going like 'ooo' as we kissed.

"With tongue!" Harry said. Louis slid his tongue in my bottom lip and I gladly accepted.

I didn't want this moment to end. I can tell Lou didn't either. He put his hands on my waist pulling me closer. I heard more 'ooos' coming from the boys. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

This was perfect, like the first time. Until we were interrupted by Liam pulling us apart. Zayn was smirking at me.

I was blushing like hell and Louis was too.

"Okay. Um Liam. Truth or dare?" I asked.


"Have you ever done anything to hurt a person that didn't deserve it?" I asked.

"Nope. Never." He said. Probably should've known that would be the answer.

"Harry T or D?"


"Go down to the lady at the desk and ask her if she has any condoms"

Harry got up and we followed him down to the lobby. He went up to the front desk.

"Excuse me miss. I was just wondering if you might have any condoms?" He asked. She looked at him weirdly. I was trying to hide my laughter. But Niall laughed which caused me to burst out. His laugh is contagious.

We went back up to the penthouse. "I'm tired. Night" I said walking to my room. I changed into my PJs and laid down in bed, falling into a deep sleep.


I woke up at about 12:35. It was quiet. Too quiet. I got out of bed brushed my teeth and took a shower. I put on a white crop top ripped denim shorts and a pair of Jordans.

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