Chapter 13

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Lifting your gaze, you saw the blade of a sword at your neck. Still dazed from the song, the lyrics you surprisingly forgot, you blinked confused.

You looked around and saw men on horses along with a few archers. One arrow dug inside Yugi's shoulder. Atem was a step from killing the enemy as a few horseman laid in their blood at his feet, but stopped in his tracks. He was looking at you intensely with the griffin on your shoulder. On your left Laegil was clutching her bow and arrow, ready to shoot. Jonouchi, standing back to back with Atem, was also ready to strike.

You gulped, not daring to move. You were lost in your thoughts so you didn't notice the enemy till the end. You felt the pressure on your neck and blood dropping from a small wound. Your arms were twisted on your back.

"Now, if you weren't so hostile, you might've gotten out of here alive, but I don't think it is possible now," the man who took you hostage spoke. You supposed he was their leader. He stank of blood and sweat. From the clothing the men wore, you guessed they were some thieves.

"As I recall correctly, you were first to shoot an arrow," Atem said in a clear voice. You trembled and looked at him. You saw silent anger in his eyes. "Is this a simple ambush?"

"Roads these days aren't really good for such troops as us," the thief said. "King's men are patrolling and we are forced to hide in the forests and bushes."

"Troops?" Atem asked. He still wielded his sword, ready to attack any moment.

"Mercenaries, soldiers, adventurers," said an archer with a lively voice. You wondered, how could he be so happy in that moment. "Troops!"

"So, if you kindly give us what we want, we will just leave you and go on our way," your attacker offered. You smelled the reek of alcohol in his breath. "How does that sound?"

"Like the stupidest idea ever," Laegil snorted in her usual way. Atem glared at her for a split second.

You took a deep breath, still shivering from the contact with the thief's cold blade. Just a second later, from the ground grew roots that wrapped themselves around the limbs of the thieves. With a cry of surprise, the group was lifted in the air. The leader still held you captive.

Atem stood with a smug expression, while Yugi grinned. Was it Yugi's magic? Must've been, you thought.

"Sorry guys," Atem said smirking. "It seems, you won't get anything of us. So, let the girl go."

The leader looked at you unsure.

"If you don't, I promise, your companions will be strangled to death," Atem said. You blinked at the threat. In his eyes, you saw that he was serious. "Yugi."

The roots tightened on the thieves throats. You looked at Yugi, he was clutching his arm, at the same time frowning at his brother. He wasn't agreeing with him. You didn't either, you didn't want to be guilty of their deaths.

The leader let you go, and pushed you forward. You stumbled on the ground and fell on your knees. Behind you, the thieves were already down on earth. You breathed in relief and messaged your neck.

One of the thieves tried to attack once more, even with a shout from his leader, he leapt at you. His eyes went wide as the arrow pierced his neck killing him on the spot. The fight began anew, as if nothing happened earlier. This time, you jumped to your feet, and using the trick with the wind sword you learned earlier, you helped your companions. You tried to not kill your opponents.

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