Chapter 1

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''______?" Echoing voice woke you up.

Right, breakfast. With a small yawn you slid off the mattress. You rubbed your eyes and looked around. The candle you left last night was long burnt out.

Place where you slept looked nothing like a bedroom. When you first saw that place you thought of storeroom or cluttered attic. There were chests with clothes, books, jewelry. There were big, colorful pillows and big mattress. Things were put all around the rock serving as shelves.

At first you thought it was horribly messy, but you realized that those things belonged to pervious Vayis', so you let them be. After some time you warmed up to this 'bedroom'.

You got dressed, again in white dress. You haven't got much of a choice. All clothing you possessed was offered to you by people, who were grateful for your songs that calmed the dragon. You didn't really understand why it had to be white. Maybe it got something to do with 'Light' that Vayis' were identified? Other than this you've got a lot of jewelry. Another useless thing in the cave.

You walked to the doors from where you heard the voice. Vayis' couldn't leave the cave, so food and other necessarily things were given to you by hole in the cave walls.

You saw the face of your only friend here.

"Good morning, Mr. Katham." You smiled and extended your arms to grab bundle with your breakfast. "How is it going? How's your wife?"

"Good morning, ______. Anne's getin' better. Thanks for concern."

Mr. Katham was simple farmer who lived near the cave. He was assigned to bring you food and every other packages. You were really grateful for his company. He told you about everything that was happening around the world. Or an village, to be exact. Anyway, he was only human being that you could talk to and that was more than enough.

After he left you were once again alone. Not entirely alone – the dragon was curled beside the wall, still asleep. Or simply not caring about the farmer.

Over years you grown accustomed to crimson scaled creature. Sure, it was big and could probably kill you in instant. You figured that this happened to pervious Vayis'. But you were her for seven years now and the dragon haven't hurt you in any way. Saying that he was your friend was probably too much, but long ago you decided to call him your companion.

You were going to repeat your everyday routine of eating and then singing when you heard noise coming from the doors. The dragon noticed it too, as it rose to its feet and froze waiting.

The doors burst open. On the staircase stood two hooded figures. Taller one rushed towards the dragon. He, judging from deep voice, shouted something in unfamiliar to you language. Dragon snarled in response. It seemed like it knew what man was saying to him. You watched as hooded man threw a chain that wrapped around dragons muzzle. The creature growled and flung its tail crushing one of the pillars supporting the ceiling.

Smaller figure run up to you and extended his hand to you, as you were sitting on a stone.

"Miss, my name is Yugi Mutou and I'm here with orders from Lord Pegasus."

"W-what?" You stammered gaping at him. Who was Lord Pegasus? You didn't understand a thing.

You heard cracking of the stone. Cracks shot up on cave's walls and towards the ceiling. Mysterious boy followed your gaze. And said something under his breath, what you didn't catch.

Why walls were cracking?

You looked over hooded figure near staircase. He made an complicated gesture that followed some words spoken in his weird language. If you thought appearance of two strangers in a cave that should never be opened, then what happened next made you breathless.

The dragon, enormous creature that you sang prayers to, changed into human.

Your eyes couldn't be opened any wider. 'It' exclaimed in foreign language and rushed towards man in hood. You were utterly confused and didn't even register words said by boy next to you.

Large rock fell on the ground before you. You staggered backwards when the earth shook.

"Atem! Cave is collapsing!" Shouted boy as he caught you from falling.

"I know! Let's get out of here!" He yanked former dragons arm and pushed him towards stairs.

The boy, Yugi as you recalled, tugged your hand an run towards the door. You tried to protect yourself from falling rocks as you two maneuvered through the cave. Your hand slipped from his, but you still run after him. You didn't want to be crushed by giant rocks.

You did something you only dreamed about – you passed white doors. Your whole world was collapsing, quite literally.

"Come on!" Exclaimed taller boy as he saw you and Yugi in the corridor. Four of you ran as the floor started to creak. 'The dragon' shouted something as Yugi jerked 'its' arm.

Then you remembered Mr. Katham. At first you didn't notice him, but when you turned around, you saw him unconscious beside the walls.

"Wait!" You cried as you stumbled on a rock. You wanted to turn back and run towards Mr. Katham. You couldn't just leave him to die.

Taller boy stopped and yanked your arm. In an instant he picked you up and flipped you over his shoulder muttering quick apologies.

"What?! No!" You shouted as you looked at collapsing corridor. "Mr. Katham is still there!"

But your words were deaf to his ears as he proceeded even faster forward.

Being held like a sack of potatoes wasn't exactly most comfortable position. Yet, you couldn't do anything as the boy carried you. You felt horrified as you thought of poor farmer being crushed by stones.

Few moments later four of you were outside. You were put on ground although you had to hold onto the boy as your head spinned.

"Are you alright?" He voiced his concern. You only nodded while breathing heavily.

After you could finally stand on your own you looked around.

In conclusion?

One - you were outside the cave while you shouldn't;
Two – before you stood two mysterious boys that strikingly resembled each other;
Three – it turns out 'it' was a 'she'.

Hi ^^
Here it is, actual chapter 1. I hope you enjoyed it and liked my little plot twist. (if it wasn't too predictable...)
What do you think~?

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