Chapter 7

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The next day-

I woke up in the room alone. I guess Dai never came back. Wonder where she is. *shrugs*

I got up and got in the shower to think. I was in there until the water turned cold. Then I got out and brushed my teeth. Then I heard my phone buzz so I ran to the room. It was Diggy 😏💞.


"Hey babe, Marqus got shot yesterday . I'm leaving the hospital now, and I'm on my way to get you so uh be ready ... Okay? " he said sounding out of breath.

"I know I seen him , but are you okay?"

"Yeah don't worry about it I'll be fine just be waiting downstairs.." And with that he hung up. I got my clothes on and grabbed my bag . I went downstairs to a rude awakening , it was a mess. Glass everywhere , everything trashed. I couldn't believe my eyes , so I just stood there in shock. All of a sudden , I felt someone grab me from behind and cover my mouth and put a gun to my head.

"Where is that nigga Daniel ?"

"I don't know, " I said scared for my life

"Tell me before I blow your head clean off ,"

"Please, please don't. I'm pregnant !"

"Do I , look like, I give a FUCK? Now tell me where he is?"

" I seriously don't know, " I was crying all over the persons hand. Just then Diggy came through the door

"You ready" he stopped and saw what was happening "nigga you got 5 seconds to let her go before I kill your bitch ass mom that's in my truck as we speak."

"My momma ?!" He said dropping me on the ground and running outside to Diggy's car.

"Sike I lied" Diggy said while pulling out a gun and shot him in the back of the head.

"DIGGY! Why did you do that!? " I was shaking and crying uncontrollably

"For one , he had a gun to your head and two .. THAT'S THE NIGGA WHO SHOT MARQUS!"

"Stop Yelling At Me ! You Didn't Have To Do That!" I tried shouting but it just wasn't working

"Why you defending this nigga ? He just tried to fucking kill you"

"I'm not defending him, Daniel... I just don't want you to go to jail! " I yelled while running upstairs.

Diggy POV-

Shit ! I just fucked up. I shouldn't have let my temper take control of me, I'm gone let her calm down for awhile. Then I'll check on her. But Jermaine is back. I gotta find a way to keep him away from Shernise and my baby. He can't get to them. My thoughts were interrupted by cop sirens.

"DAMMIT" I yelled running upstairs to jump out the back window . Luckily I was able to get out, but I was stopped by Jermaine

"Well well well , Daniel we meet again." He said as his boys grabbed me.

"What you want Jermaine ?" I said tryna break loose ,

"What I want , is revenge.."


To Be Continued ... 😝

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