Chapter 11;

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I woke up to a doctor calling my name.

"Are you Ms. Lewis?" he said looking up from his clipboard

"Yes, sir."

"Follow me please." he said starting to walk.

"Sure, " i said and grabbed my bag.

"Daniel is making great progress and he should be out in the next two days."

i sighed in relief.

"Thank You SOOOOO much! i don't know what i would do raising this baby by myself"

"Youre pregnant? Congrats! How many months? "

"About 7 now, " i said simply

"i can get you a ultrasound and stuff if want,,?"

"I knda want my baby's father to be there. how about when hes able to leave." I asked

"That's fine, go to the desk once hes ready to go and give them your name."

"okay thanks" i said as we reachedthe room and i walked in the after what seemed like forever.

Diggy was watching tv when we walked in, it brought me to tears seeing him like this. i love this boy so much.

"Hey Bae," i said softly

"hey Babe , you okay ?" he said sitting up

"The question is are YOU okay? but im fine"

"good, sorry you had to see me like this."

"its all good bae, im just glad youre okay"

"Yeah im good, but im getting kinda sleepy."

"Okay goodnight , sleep good " i said walking to the chair

"Ahh , what do you think youre doing ?" Diggy said making me confused.

"Going .. to .. sit .. down..?" i said with a confused look

"Uh no youre not, come lay next to me,"

"Yes Sir," i said taking my shoes off and doing what i was told.

"Goodnight Love" he said pulling me closer to him and closing his eyes

"Goodnight Babydaddy" he smiled slightly and i started to watch "LAHH" boy do I love me some K. Michelle

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