Chapter 16

120 11 1

5 months later

Shernise POV -

I woke up this morning due to Colin crying. They almost never cry so I ran to his crib before he could wake Davi. I rocked him side to side to calm him down. It didn't work so I went to get him a bottle. After he got his bottle, we headed back to the room. I got a phone call from a unknown number which I knew was Diggy trying to get me to answer. But I answered anyway ...

"What Daniel?" I said patting Colin on the back

"I wanna see my kids.. Please?"

"Now their your kids? You missed almost a whole year of their lives and now their your kids?" I said semi yelling.

"I know I know.. I'm sorry. Just let me come over so we can discuss this. Please?"

"Alright Daniel. You have 1 hour before I make you leave.."

"I swear I'll change your mind"

"Whatever" I said hanging up the phone.

I decided to get the kids ready along with myself. Today the twins are gonna match but different colors. Hmm , maybe I'll match them as well. It's now around 12 and I'm about to feed the twins &' then take them to the park.

We were in the park sitting in the grass. It's a nice day outside, which is why it's really crowded. All of sudden people started running. So shoot I started running too. I grabbed the twins and ran as fast as I could. I heard gun shots firing all around me. I covered the twins with my body which wasn't easy. I ran until I got my house and locked the door. I made sure they were okay. Of course they were crying so I had to calm them down. They ended up taking a nap. About a half and hour later the door bell rung. I looked through the peep hole to see Daniel with roses and a bunch of things. I opened the door and ----

Desiree POV-

"Dammit !! I missed her again! Every time I go to kill her , I miss." Desiree said while reloading her gun

"Boss wouldn't you wanna get her while she's not with the babies? The babies ain't do nothing.." ??? Said

"Don't worry about what I would rather do, just drive.. I need to come up with a new plan"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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