Chapter 13;

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Diggy POV -

I called a load of people and I can't believe that they showed up. I saw Shernises parents , my parents, Shelly, Daitra , Unique , Jacob , Marqus , Prod , Ray , and my siblings.

I'm starting to feel guilty about this cheating thing , I just couldn't help it. She lead me on. But I shouldn't go back to my exes. damn , if he finds out , we both gone be dead.

Shernise POV-

"Ahhhh" I screamed as I got a sharp pain again. it's almost time , I can't believe I'm getting ready to be a mommy. Diggy, my parents , Diggys parents, and Shelly and Marqus were in the room.

"Breath baby girl, breath." my mom said while holding my hand. Shelly had my other hand.& Diggy was holding my leg... I think it's time!!

"OMFGGGGG ughhhhh!" I screamed

"You can start pushing now!" the nurse said as I did as told

"Pushhh" my mother said still holding my hand as I squeezed hers and pushed as hard as I could.

I pushed about 3more times and the baby was out. then the nurse told me she saw another one in there. I screamed

"Push for me again!" the nurse said

"You can do this girl" Shelly said

Finally both babies were out and I was pale and in tears of joy.

"Miss Shernise , your babies are a boy and a girl. You have any names ?" She asked while the babies were going to get cleaned off.

"Colin &' Da'Vian ?" I said while smiling at Dig

"Yeah , I like that.." he smiled while kissing me on my lips

Everyone entered the room and and the nurse with my twins..

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, here are Colin and Da'Vian.." they handed us the twins.

We signed the birth certificate and sat there in astonishment. I let out a relieved sigh as I listened to the "Awes" and "they're so cutes." as everyone looked over the babies. I'm finally a mother.

-4 months later -

Diggy left his phone so I decided to pictures. I was taking pictures with weird face until a text came through... It read

The D .. ee :"Hey Bae! You wanna come over so we can finish what was happening 4 months ago? ;)"

Tf ?! Oh hell no !

"DANIEL DWAYNE MOTHER FUCKING SIMMONS!" I screamed out of frustration

"Wassup ?" he said from the top of the stairs

"Wassup my ass! Get tf down here NOW !" He walked as slow as he could

"TF IS THIS HOE TALKING BOUT ?!" I showed him the phone

"Uhhh" he said scratching the back of his head


Haven't updated in a minute... Hope y'all like this chapter .. Tbh I don't know where to go with this story anymore ... Any ideas ? Inbox me ... Please and thank you ! sorry for errors .. Didn't re-read -Shellyyy

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