We are still broken.

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(A/N: I'm so sorry I'm the worst author-chan ever. I have not updated in soooo long but I'm here now so hello my reader-chans)

*Leo's pov*
His date with Alex had been interesting so far. Although he's not sure if I like her. I mean sure she's interesting and funny and definitely cute. But there was still this raw void in his heart telling him that he still loved the cursed boy who broke his heart. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts and trying to focus on Alex.

She is as telling a story about how she went to Paris and saw the Eiffel tower. "So me and my best friend mark walked all the way to the top and by the time we get there he passes out. Can you believe it?" She says. Leo shakes his head no not really paying attention to what she just said.

He felt eyes on him and he was looking around for their owner. Finally his eyes locked with those obsidian eyes and he shivered and turned around trying to ignore the anger and love rising in his stomach.

*Nico's pov*
I was looking around at the grandeur of the fancy restaurant. I spot a familiar head of curls and my stomach drops. He hasn't seen me yet so I study him and what I figure to be his date.

I'm not angry or hateful towards her. I mean I deserve to see the one I love love another. I'm still disgusted with myself. I see why Leo picked her, she's certainly beautiful.

Don't get me wrong I still love him and everything but I deserve this. The longer I stare the more my sadness and regret grows. The two emotions collide and crash in my heart, making my heart hurt and me want to cry. But I don't. I can't not now.

I thought I had gotten past that stage. That is until those chocolate brown eyes meet my hard glinting obsidian ones and they pierce through me. I can see the anger take hold his gaze and something else. Something softer more genuine. Before I can deduce what it is he turns away back to his date and I sigh looking back to hazel who is animatedly telling a story of her and Frank at the zoo together. I laugh and nod my head although the only thing I'm aware of is the boy two tables down from me.

"Hazel I got to go." I said hearing Leo laugh at his date. "I need to go now" the desperation dripping from my voice. She nods knowing to not push me. I exit out into the cool spring air taking deep breaths.

*Leo's pov*
I laugh at my date ignoring the eyes on me. I hear a chair being pushed out and I turn around seeing Nico gone and hazel paying their bill. I turn my date and say "It's been lovely hun but I can't do this. I already love someone and I can't see you." I leave money to pay on the table walking away before she can say anything to me.

Hazel catches me on my way out "Oh my. Leo is that you?" She says patting the seat next to her. I sit down nodding "so how have you been?" I ask her. "Oh well life goes on you know. I've done pretty well. What about you? I heard you work at a cafe." She says. "Oh yes I do. I work with my best friend Sydney. She's great." I say.

"Oh good. Nico's been torn up since your breakup but I swear lately he's been better." She says nodding. "I feel like you two should be friends again. Here's Nico's number. Now I have to go." She says standing up and leaving.

Before I know what I'm doing I slip the number in my pocket and walk out the door. It seems as though they have left.

I take out my phone and call Sydney "hello" she answers
"S-sydney I need to come over to your place." I say my voice breaking. "Oh honey what happened?" She said her voice becoming soft. "I I saw Nico" I say. "Come over right away I'll have some movies ready" she says. "Okay I'll be over." I say as I starts driving my eyes stinging with unshed tears. I make to her apartment and knock. She answers and hugs me. "Oh honey let's talk and then we'll have a nice movie night." She says leading me to the couch.

(A/N: again author-chan is sorry so have a long chappie)

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