Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Kara's POV

"Kara! Kara! Kara!" one of my best friends Mona yelled in my ear.

"Mo, I'm right here. There's no need to yell."

"Fine. Kill me for wanting to yell."

"We're in a library."

"With a wrinkly old miserable librarian."

I laughed before saying, "What is it that you want?"

"Hi." she said smiling.

"What am I gonna do with you?" I asked stuffing my face with nachos.

"You can give me some of those." she said pointing to my nacho box.

"Mo aren't you supposed to be on a diet?" I asked. She rolled her eyes before saying something about Global Warming is a conspiracy and then averted her blue eyes back to her Sociology book as she jotted down little notes.

" I told you to start your report from March but nope. Leave it until June. The day before its due." I said rolling my green-hazel eyes at her.

"But I thought doing my Fashion Report first would be funner." she said pouting.

"And I told you to pay attention in English classes in high school but no. Kara's stupid right?"

"Actually you are." my other best friend Kristen said Smiling at me, her bright green eyes dancing with humor.

"Says the person who got 60% on her Culinary Arts report. How does Mac n Cheese even count as a Culinary dish."

"Well I'm sorry we all don't have your stupid yet sometimes brilliant mind to do our report on Chicken Alfredo and then be a kiss up to the teacher and MAKE it for the teacher using Kristen's cheese." Kristen said referring to herself in the third person.

"Well the cheese was just sitting there in OUR fridge so-" I started but was cut off my Mona saying,

"Why are you two even here?!"

"Kristen has to do over her report and I had nothing better to do so when she was leaving our flat I decided to tag along and see my purple haired little freak." I said ruffling Mona's hair.

"Dont touch the hair."

Suddenly my phone went off signalling I got a text.

"Who's it from?" Mona asked.

"El." I replied.

"Eleanor Calder?"

"Yup." I said reading the message,


Hey Kara! How's it been? Haven't spoken since Friday. Anyways can you do me a favor?

I quickly replied,


Hey. It's been great. Sure, what's the favor?


It's my friend. He went through a bad break up about a month ago, Around the same time you and Nicholas broke up. He's been really down in the dumps and I really wanna help him out. You guys are really alike so do you think you can go out with him?

Oh boy. I keep telling El to stop setting me up on blind dates. She's been doing this ever since my breakup. She's a good friend and I really appreciate all of this but really?

To: El

Fine. When and where?

Zayn's POV

"Zayn!" El screamed for the millionth time.

"What?" I said averting my gaze back to the sport channel.

"What is up with you."

"You know what's 'up' with me El."

"Zayn! Everyone hates seeing you like this!"

"Like what?" I asked annoyed because I just came out of my room to watch the teli. Nothing else.

"Okay lets see. You haven't combed your hair since that night, you barely talk, barely eat, you look like a slob, you reek, you don't socialize, your basically dead!"

"El, you don't get it. I-"

"Yeah Zayn I know. I heard your pity story a million times since. You thought she was the one, bought the ring, invited her to dinner, she turned down the proposal, broke it off, told you she was cheating. No one expected her to do that. We all thought Perrie was the one too. Us she wasn't. Are you gonna sit here forever just moaning and doing... That or are you gonna get up and try to make something of your life. She's out there enjoying her life so why don't you enjoy yours?"

"El I-"

"Save it." she said going into the kitchen.

I sighed but I could still here the faint sounds of her nails tapping on the phone screen and the sound of her receiving texts.

Finally she came back into the room.

"Go get ready." she said sternly.


"You're going on a date."

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