Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Kara's POV

2 minutes after hanging up, Nicholas' black Range Rover with him driving in sunglasses to cover his piercing blue eyes and a hoodie to cover his curly brown hair.

If there were paps around I didn't want to be on the cover of some gossip magazine claiming I'm cheating on Zayn.

"Here." he said handing me a pair of sunglasses once he had gotten out of the car and came over to my side and opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I said hopping into the car waiting for him to come around to the other side.

"So why did you ask me to come get you. You've been ignoring my calls abs texts for the pat two month and your flat is a good fifteen minutes walk. And if you were too lazy, why didn't you just call your new boyfriend." he said pulling up the hoodie when we glimpsed a few paps.

I looked at him, furrowing my eyebrows.

How did he know about Zayn?

"Matt sent me the interview video. He works at the company you know?" he said and I mentally face palmed.

How could you forget Kara?!

Leave me alone conscience. I was too caught up in the man trying to kill me and my sexy boyfriend!

Your a hopeless case you know that?

And your evil, you know that?

"So you're just going to stare off into space like we're not having a conversation?" he sighed.

"I dont owe you answers Nick. You're not my boyfriend." I stated coldly, looking straight forward, out of the corner of my eye I could see him tense up.

I rarely ever talked like that but when I did, it meant I didn't want to be messed with.

"What happened to us?" he asked after about 5 minutes of awkward silence.

I sighed, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes.

What did happen to us?

We were happy, everything was fine, we were the cutest couple on campus and then BOOM. Arguments, fights and then one night we just broke it off.

"I don't know..." I said, my voice coming out stronger than I thought it would, "But I just know I've moved on." I said still watching the road, mentally rejoicing we were only about five minutes away from my flat.

"But what if I haven't." he said in a soft voice and I immediately turned around to face him.

"Then you need to." I said firmly and he looked up at me with a surprised expression, "If we could be in love and fall out of love so easily, then I wasnt the girl for you. You need somebody who will put up a fight. And I'll always be the girl to walk away. Youre a good person Nick, and you need to find somebody that's gonna love you even more than I did. Shes out there, I just know it." and with that I gave him a peck on the cheek, thanked him for the ride and hopped out of the car, rushing to get up to my flat.

When I passed Mona and her boyfriends flat which was just down the hall I could hear noises and I knew they were making out. As per usual.

"Where the Hell were you!" El and Dani screamed in unison once I had flung the flat door open and I had a gut feeling they rehearsed that.

"Did you guys rehearse that lovely greeting?" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"We did!" El beamed.

"But the more important question is, where were you, why are you so late and why are you In Different clothes!" Danielle yelled.

"My... Mom called me on the way and what she told me got me really upset so I went to the gym to blow off some steam and time really just got away from me. Sorry." I lied. Well not completely, time did get away from me.

"Fine, we're just glad you're safe. Now go bathe! You have a date in one hour and you stink!" Eleanor yelled and i just smilied at the two girls before skipping upstairs to my room that was covered in a sea of shopping bags.

Turns out the shopping was just a distraction for me. If some one had bought me a x-tra large triple meat lovers with extra bacon that would have distracted me!

I took a nice 15 minute shower since I was in no rush and El was absolutely right, I did stink.

I dried mysef and wrapped the towel around my body, going out I to the room and picking up my phone.

I scrolled through twitter and then tumblr and sugarscape and all other celebrity sights to make sure there were no pictured of me and Nicholas together. I even searched up 'Kara Banks and Mystery Guy' on Google just to make sure.

What? One directions fans are vicious!

I then got dress in a one shoulder neon yellow and silver shirt and a pair of bright blue shorts. I laced my black high tops up in purple laces and I was ready.

"El! Danielle!" I yelled from downstairs and in two minutes the two girls were upstairs running through the door and tripping over the sea of bags.

"You didn't even ask us how to dress?" El said raising her eyebrows.

"If it's not a dress it's shorts. If its not shorts is jeans. That is the Kara dress code." I said smirking while they just rolled their eyes.

"Can we pretty pretty please apply SOME makeup?" El begged.

We had already had this argument in the middle of Forever 21 and I told her HELL NO! But now seeing her cute Puppy dog face...

"Fine. Some," I sighed while they squealed.

I was pushed down on the bed and told not to look so I went onto twitter.


My Lord.

I started scrolling through a mentions, some were good and some were hate but.. Eh. Haters gotta hate right?

And then another post from Harry. I swear this boy has been stalking me all day. You would think he would stop after Liam and I told him to go bathe. WHICH HE DID NOT!

@Harry_Styles: @zaynmalik is taking @KaraB_SkaterChic out and doesnt want to bring me. Tell him to bring me guys!

I laughed at this, making El jab me in the eye with an eyeliner pencil.

But I laughed even more at the retweets he got.

Some were saying he should come, some were saying he should give Zayn and I some 'alone time' and some were suggesting 'stuff' he should do with Louis.

These fans.

"Done!" Danielle exclaimed smiling and I walked over to the mirror to have a look..

The girl in the mirror was definitely not me.

She looked perfect, beautiful.

Not a hair out of place.

She looked like a new glass that had just been bought from the store, not the old broken shattered one I am.

Maybe I should start wearing make up more often... Wait. NOPE.

"Thanks guys! I love it!" I said hugging them both.

And right then there was a knock on the door.

"Go ahead. Your prince charming awaits." El said smiling.

I hugged them again, grabbed my stuff and hopped downstairs to open the door and find my Prince Charming.

But I can assure you, whom I saw at the door was definitely not my prince charming.

Just looking at the person made my stomach turn and my head spin.

I stared there looking at her and she stared back at me.

Someone who I thought I would never see again.

She opened her mouth about to speak when tears over flowed and she ran back down the hall and in the lift, leaving me standing there, mouth open and loss for words.

It was her. Definitely her.


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