Chapter 10

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Okay so... I can't believe I didn't do this earlier but special thanks to @ItsJustMe_123 for doing my amazing cover. She's like one of the sweetest girls on here and she's really cool. Oh and I put up the cast and stuff so I think I need to start editing but that's for summer.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 10

Kara's POV


"Yeah it's me."

Wondering who Richard is?

Yeah, I bet you are.

Richard was the one who found me... 'that night'.


I was cold.

Ha! Cold would be an understatement.

I'm sure when I'm found... Lets rephrase that.. if I'm ever found I'll have pneumonia and possibly die.

My lower half was on fire and my stomach hurt.

Every time I would breathe there was a sharp pain that would run from my stomach all the way down, to make it worse, my throat felt like it was closing up.

It was dark, but it wasn't dark enough for me not to see the pool of blood flowing from my upper stomach.

I was numb, but not numb enough that I didn't feel the tears flowing from my eyes.

God, if this is punishment for stealing that a pound when I was eight. I'm sorry. I just wanted some candy.

I let out a shaky breath as the sharp pain in my stomach came back.

I slowly reached for my shorts that had been tossed beside me and took out my phone.

Oh great. No signal.

I brought the light to my stomach and grimaced at what I saw, which of course just made it hurt even more.

Okay, I'm going to die. I'm definitely going to die.

That's when I heard it.

"Yeah mum I got it. Mhm. Yeah I- The hell? I'll call you back."

The person bent down beside me and I tried to back away.

"Shh.. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"H-Hopital." I managed to choke out.

"That's where I'm taking you." he said gently picking me up.

"W-who are you?"

"They call me Richard."


"Hey Richard what's up?" I asked nervously.

"Nothing much. How yah feeling?" he asked his gaze moving to Zayn, "Boyfriend?" he asked.

I nodded.

"He's new at this isn't he?"

"Is it that obvious?" Zayn whined.

"Stop poking it." I said swatting his hand away.


"Zayn Malik we are not having this argument."

"Yes mum."

"So Kara how you been since-"

"I'm fine." I said cutting him off.

"What's he talking about?" Zayn asked.

Oh you poor boy.

"Umm.. Its nothing babe. Can I have an ice pack please?"

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