Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Kara's POV

"Hey I just met you! And this is crazy! So here's my number!! So call me maybeeee!!"

Dani and El out the lyrics to Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, trying to ignore my questions.

"Somebody answer me! Are we going dress shopping?" I tried again.

"You'll just have to wait and see." El said grinning.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, taking out my Phone and checked twitter.

1,540,603 followers and counting. Wow.

Let's reply to some people shall we.

@Harrylover545: @KaraB_SkaterChic, i loved the interview you did!

@KaraB_SkaterChic: Thanks @Harrylover545! I Loved it too.

@Zaynsmyman: @KaraB_SkaterChic hi! You're really pretty!

@KaraB_SkaterChic: Hello lovely! You're really pretty too! And I really like your twitter name.

@Harry_Styles: Aren't you supposed to be shopping @KaraB_SkaterChic?

@KaraB_SkaterChic: @Harry_Styles you've been stalking be since this morning! What's your problem dude?

@Harry_Stykes: Can't a dude ask his favorite (girl) friend a question @KaraB_SkaterChic

@KaraB_SkaterChic: Yes he can @Harry_Styles, but he shouldn't stalk her!

@Harry_Styles: :| good bye @KaraB_SkaterChic.

"Hey girly! Lets a go go!" El yelled while I just looked at her strangely.

"I'm sorry about her." Dani said shaking her head and smiling at me.

"Let's go chicas!" El yelled bouncing up and down outside the car. Again I rolled my eyes and got up out of the car.

As we approached the mall I could here the scream if fangirls.

Hmm... Maybe The Wanted madea stop on their tour.

Suddenly about 20 girls started running towards where the girls and I were.

Is the Wanted behind me?! I secretly like their music! I'm Glad You came!

No Kara You idiot. Their coming to you!

Oh.. Thanks evil conscience.

"Hi! Are you Zayn's new girlfriend?" asked a girl who looked about 13. There were three of them. This one had sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She kinda resembled Niall. The other two both had dark brown hair and green eyes. Twin alert!

"Yeah I am." I said with a smile. I looked over to El and Danielle and they were talking to a bunch of 15 year old girls.

"Can we have your autograph and a photo?" the twins asked.

"You want my autograph?" I asked, slightly bewildered.

"Of course!" they all said in unison.

I giggled at this before taking each of their note lads and signing 'KaraB' in curly, squiggly letters with a tiny heart at the end.

I took three pictures with them.

One smiling normally, another doing the duck face, and the third one I did me, Mona and Kristen's trademark pose.

I stuck my index finger up and bent my middle finger down and placed it over my eye, sticking out my tongue to the side. (A/N this sign has absolutely no meaning. It's something my friends and I made up.)

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