Closets Are For Clothes {5}

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                “It was the middle of the night When I’d heard you’d took your life!”

                Noah and I were listening to music in the car together as we drove off to McDonald’s for some food. I was secretly happy he had been so concerned about me.

                “Just give me 5 more minutes I’d give the world to have you in it!”

                He pulled into the drive thru and the lady’s voice crackled over the thingy. “Hi welcome to McDonald’s how may I help you?” Noah smirked. “Hi, we’d like 2 Big Macs. But can you take the buns off one? My boyfriend is a vegetarian.” The woman was silent as I choked back laughter.

                “Okay,” she said at last, sounding somewhat confused. “Oh, also, do you guys except cash here?” Noah asked. “I’m sorry, what?” the woman asked, sounding absolutely confused. “Do. You. Except. Cash. Here.”

                “Um, I don’t understand what you’re asking…” Noah forced back his laughter as I slapped my hands over my mouth. “Never mind we’re going to Taco Bell. This place is shit!” he said and drove away. We laughed as they stared at us when we drove by the pickup window.

                “You’re such a bitch!” I said, laughing. “Thank you Jayreck,” he said with a smirk as we went to the Taco Bell drive thru. Noah ordered and we went to pick up the food. “Have a nice day,” the man said as he handed us our food. Noah glared at him. “Don’t tell me what to do you jerk!” he yelled.

                Noah grabbed the food and sped off. I laughed as he handed me my drink. “Don’t you just love getting food with me?” he asked with a smirk. “Nope. Not at all,” I said, sticking my tongue out at him. “Better watch it or I’ll cut your tongue off!” I laughed and took a sip of my soda.

                “So what was wrong last night?” he asked me, his voice turning to intense concern. I flipped my hair into my eyes. Noah pulled into a random parking lot and brushed my hair out of my eyes.

                “Max, please tell me. You’re scaring me,” he whispered. “I just…I hate being single,” I said. There. That was somewhat true. Noah sat back and gave me a smile. “Aw, cheer up Maxi! You’re an attractive young lad. All the females will form a line to properly fuck your arse,” he said and I laughed.

                “Well, my milkshakes bring em all to the yard,” I said and Noah nodded in agreement. “Indeed, dear Maxwell. However, I do believe that milkshakes will bring you the wrong sex.” I forced myself not to frown when he said that.

                I just wish I could bring myself to tell Noah. He was my best friend. He would understand, right? “Hey Noah?” I asked and mentally punched myself. No, no, no. He would understand but he would most likely be freaked out and never want to be anywhere near me ever again.

                “Yea?” he asked curiously as he took a bite of his taco. “Um, what would you think if Owen or Pierce were fully gay?” I asked. There. Or was that too obvious? Oh god. I should’ve just changed the subject and asked for a sip of his soda or something.

                He shrugged. “I wouldn’t think any different of them. They’re my friends. Whether they’re gay or not, it won’t change anything. What would you think?” “Same as you. I guess I was just curious.”

                I bit back the truth and swallowed it down.

                                                                                ***Pierce’s POV***

                “Noah?” Owen asked. “Straight,” I said automatically. There was no doubt about that in my mind. Seduction by Alesana was playing in the background as Owen and I talked in my room. I was laying on my bed and Owen was relaxing in my bean bag chair.

                “Max?” he asked. I chuckled. “Bisexual. He’s at least bisexual.” Owen gave me a curious look. “Why do you say that?” I flipped over and looked into his brilliant blue eyes. “Look at him. Listen to him. Watch him. He’s not straight Owen.”

                “Survived abortion,” I sang as we listened to Marilyn Manson. “We’re disposable teens,” Owen chanted. As the next verse started, Owen went back to the topic of Max.

                “But seriously, what about him isn’t straight? Max and Noah are the straightest guys I know,” he said, bobbing his head in time with the beat. I rolled my eyes. “Owen, he’s keeping it a secret. You ever meet his parents?”

                Owen nodded slowly.

                “Well there you go!” I said. “I’m not a slave to a world that doesn’t give a shit!” we screamed and laughed. Owen flipped his hair out of his eyes. “You’re only saying that because you like Max,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

                I shook my head. “Not true. The fact that Max is incredibly hot and I would indeed enjoy making out with him is true. But that’s not why I think he’s bisexual. Or gay. Hopefully bisexual.”

                Owen looked doubtful and I mentally sighed. I was almost one hundred percent positive that Maxwell Quincy was not straight. I could also tell how much he liked Noah.

                And I was going to make sure I got him before he got Noah.

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