Closets Are For Clothes {8}

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                I gulped as I stared at the school the next day. “Come on Max; it’ll be alright,” Noah whispered. I slowly followed him inside the building. Pierce and Owen hurried over to us as soon as they saw us. They must have been watching the door.

                “Hey, check it out! It’s the fags!” someone shouted. Kids began to call things out. “Everyone better shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of them!” Pierce exploded.

                The hall got eerily silent.

                “Violent fag much Pierce? Why not let little Max fight his own battles? Unless his mommy and daddy want to pay his way out of it,” Brent said, a cocky look on his face. I felt myself blushing a deep shade of red. My parents didn’t pay my way out of things! I wasn’t spoiled!

                I glanced at Pierce. He was shaking in anger. “Leave it Pierce,” Owen warned silently. “You’re going to get suspended again.” The warning bell rang and Brent walked away laughing.

                Noah and I went to our lockers together and I began to walk to first period. “See Max, it’s not that bad, right?” Noah said with a small smile.

                Famous last words.

                “Hey faget! Shouldn’t you be on your knees where you belong?” Lucas, one of Brent’s friends, came up and shoved me on the ground. Brent’s other friends, Dave and Karl, grabbed Noah so that he couldn’t help me.

                A crowd began to gather as Lucas started beating me up. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me to my feet. I staggered a little before he punched me in the stomach. “Do you like things in the mouth you fag?” he asked with a cruel smirk before punching me in the mouth. I tasted blood and whimpered.

                He threw me to the ground and began to kick me. “Get off him!” Noah roared. Dave and Karl were just barely managing to hold onto him. “Max! Don’t let him do it! Fight back!” he begged. But I couldn’t even if I wanted to. Lucas wasn’t giving me a chance to fight back.

                He just kept hitting me and hitting me. Over and over again. The kids watching were laughing and cheering for Lucas. They were urging him to keep hurting me. He spit on me and the others laughed.

                “Stop hurting him!” Noah shouted desperately. “He didn’t do anything to you!” Lucas finally got off of me. The circle of kids was still laughing insanely. Dave and Karl released Noah and he raced over to me.

                “Max! Are you okay?!” he cried. But I could barely hear him. All I could hear was their laughter. It seemed to be never ending. I could hear Owen and Pierce now. I felt myself shaking. Was I crying? Probably. Did it even matter anymore? Probably not.

                I pushed myself up off the ground and ran. I just wanted to be out of there. My friends were screaming my name. I was running into people who roughly shoved me or punched me. I was numb to it all now. I managed to push through the crowd.

                I could hear the principal now. He was crying my name. Someone must have told him there was a fight going on. He had probably been on his way to break it up. I think I was bleeding. He could probably tell I had been in the fight.

                I shoved through the doors and sprinted away from school, never wanting to return.

                                                                                ***Pierce’s POV***

                I drove to my house silently. Owen was in the car but he wasn’t talking either. I pulled into my driveway and we got out and went inside.

                “Pierce? What the hell is wrong with you?” my dad asked. We ignored him as I grabbed us something to drink. “Pierce?” he repeated, sounding annoyed now. He sighed and turned to Owen since I wasn’t answering him. “Owen, what the hell is his problem?”

                Owen gulped and looked at me. I shrugged. “School issues,” I said, my voice dead to me. “Like?” dad pressed. I shook my head. “Later,” I said simply. He sighed but watched silently as Owen and I went up to my room.           

                “I feel awful,” I whispered at last. We had finally managed to shove through that damn crowd of people in time to watch Max run away in tears. I doubt he even knew he was crying. The look in his eyes had been unbearable to see.

                “I’m so fucking stupid!” I screamed and punched my wall. I had just ruined Max’s life. I had come out as bisexual when I was 13. I had beat up anyone who had given me problems. Same thing for Owen. People didn’t want to get the shit beat out of them so they didn’t mock us. But Maxwell Quincy…well, he was the quiet one. The one that didn’t fight. The one who came from a rich family but wasn’t stuck up. The good boy who hung out with bad boys. The shy one. The one who was too timid to defend himself.

                He was an easy target.

                All because I had kissed him.

                And to be fair, he hadn’t admitted he was bisexual or gay. What if I was wrong? What if I had ruined his life just because I liked him? I sighed and got up. “I need to go talk to him Owen.” Owen nodded and we left my house.

                I drove to Max’s house and Owen and I got out of the car. I went up to the door and knocked. I would be surprised if Noah was already here to comfort Max. The door opened and his dad’s face appeared. At first, his expression was normal. But then his eyes found me.

                “GET YOUR ASS AWAY FROM MY HOUSE!” he shrieked, hate in his eyes. My own eyes widened in complete shock. Mr. Quincy was usually a nice, friendly guy. Very formal, though. Didn’t like to swear.

                “Wh-” I started to ask, but he cut me off. “If I ever find out you’ve gotten near my son again I swear to god I’ll get a fucking restraining order!” he shouted. I looked over his shoulder and could see Max’s terrified face. His mom stood there next to him with tears in her eyes.

                In between them was a laptop with the picture of Max and I kissing.

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