Closets Are For Clothes {12}

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                “Hi Max,” Pierce said quietly. “Hi Pierce,” I said, suddenly interested in my socks. “Hi popcorn,” Owen said, ignoring us as he hurried over to shove popcorn in his mouth.

                We sat down and put on the movie Ghosts. “Ghost themed movie night?” Pierce asked Noah, raising an eyebrow. Noah smiled brightly. “Duh Pierce!” Pierce rolled his eyes and leaned back to watch the movie.

                “The ending is so lame!” Pierce said, snorting. “I mean seriously! There’s a guy impaled in the window and she’s busy getting wet over the sight of a fucking ghost. I knew there was a reason I didn’t like this movie when I watched it with my dad.”

                “I like the movie. It’s funny when he gets hit by the cars and dragged to hell,” Owen said, laughing. “I think it’s a good movie. Good effects for the time period. What about you Max?” Dammit Noah. Pierce and Owen faced me.

                I shrugged. “I like it. What movie is next?” Noah proudly held up the Sixth Sense. “Our favorite movie Maxi!” I laughed and leaned back in my bean bag chair as Noah started the movie.

                “Whoa! Hot damn! I did NOT remember this part,” Pierce cried as the guy stood in his underwear with the gun. “He looks like a drug addicted Alex Gaskarth,” Owen said thoughtfully as he shot the guy and then committed suicide.

                We watched the movie, Noah and I quoting our favorite parts. “Max!” Noah cried in excitement. “You’re a stuttering Stanley! Stuttering Stanley! Stuttering Stanley!” Noah cried. “S-S-Shut up you f-f-freak!” I cried. We burst into laughter.

                The movie ended and we all stared at each other. “Now what movie?” Pierce asked Noah curiously. Noah smiled and then frowned. “Uh…I was kind of hoping we’d be asleep by now.” I palmed myself and shook my head.

                “Noah, your mom is right. There’s something wrong with you.” He smiled proudly. “Woo! Yea for something being wrong with me!” He pounded his chest with his fists and then frowned again. “Ouch. That hurt.”

                “You’re an idiot. Let’s go get soda,” Pierce said and stood up. We got up and followed him up the stairs to Noah’s kitchen.

                “Daddy! Do we have soda?” Noah asked pleasantly. Mr. Hottie sighed. “Noah you’re lucky I’m your father. Anyone else would’ve thrown you in a mental institution years ago,” he said, shaking his head and ruffling Noah’s hair.

                He opened the fridge and stepped aside so we could grab sodas. Noah tossed me a Dr. Pepper and smiled. “Our favorite Maxi!” I rolled my eyes and took a sip as Noah grabbed himself a Dr. Pepper. Owen and Pierce grabbed themselves Mountain Dew.

                We went back downstairs and sat on our bean bag chairs. “Now what do we do?” Owen asked, sipping his soda and grabbing a handful of popcorn. We all shrugged. “We could watch another movie,” Noah suggested.

                “What movie?” I asked. He jumped up and grabbed Austin Powers. “Please Maxi! Please oh please oh please!” he begged. I laughed and nodded. “Go for it Noah.” “YAY!” he cheered and put on the movie.

                He hurried to sit back down and we laughed at the stupidity of the movie. Noah absolutely adored Austin Powers. He could quote all 3 movies perfectly. He constantly forced me to watch them over and over again. I didn’t really mind though. Noah had a habit of resting his head on someone’s shoulder during movies.

                Right now, his head rested on the bean bag chair as he watched. I could see it dropping off to the side. He usually rested it on my shoulder when we watched movies. It would make me blush and I loved those moments.

                “Dude, I need more soda,” Pierce whined. “Go get some,” Noah said, sticking his tongue out. Pierce rolled his eyes and got up. Noticing my empty can and growing thirst, I reluctantly got up to follow him.

                We walked upstairs in an awkward silence. “Hi guys!” Sasha said as she poured herself some water in the kitchen. “Hey Sasha,” Pierce greeted. “Hi Sasha!” I said with a small smile. She winked at us and left to go up to her room.

                Pierce sighed and turned to me. “I’m sorry Max. I’m so sorry,” he whispered. I chewed on my lip nervously. “Pierce, I told my parents you kissed me. And then I told them I wasn’t gay. I…I lied to them. I was scared to get in trouble. I’m so sorry I lied about the whole situation.”

                He opened his mouth to speak before his eyes widened a little. “The whole situation?” I nodded slowly, avoiding his eyes. He laughed softly. “So I was right. You’re gay?” I squeezed my eyes shut. “Yes,” I breathed.

                I felt his arms around me. “It’s alright Max. There’s nothing wrong with that. Be gay and be proud,” he said, stroking my hair. “Pierce…” I whispered. He leaned back to look into my eyes deeply.

                He leaned in and kissed me. I let him. I didn’t kiss back though. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to just yet. I mean…this was Pierce. He just wasn’t Noah.

                “Max…will you be my boyfriend?” he asked softly. My heart slammed and then stopped beating as I searched his eyes for any sign of a joke. No. He wasn’t kidding. He really wanted to date me. To have me as a boyfriend.

                Maybe I loved Noah. But Noah was straight. Maybe I just had to try to get over him instead of torturing myself with a forbidden fruit? Maybe it was time to finally come out to the world as gay. My parents wouldn’t really kick me out of the house. They loved me too much.

                I gulped and looked at him. “Yes,” I said, trying to sound determined. I would give Pierce a chance. He deserved at least that. I would come out as gay. I would tell my parents. I would face my school, fag or not. His face lit up and he threw his arms around me again.

                He kissed me and this time, I kissed back.

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