Closets Are For Clothes {24}

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                “Hi you’ve reached Noah Hottie! If I’m not answering I’m either busy or I don’t like you. Leave a message after the totally sexy beep.” His phone beeped and I hit “end” on mine. That was like the millionth time today Noah hadn’t answered his phone.

                I needed to talk to him. So, so bad. My dad wasn’t talking to me. My mom was on a business trip. Pierce had dumped me for no apparent reason.  

                I threw my phone and watched as it smashed into the wall before falling to the ground. “God dammit!” I couldn’t help but scream. Why? Why were my friends abandoning me? Owen wasn’t talking to me either. He was siding with Pierce, which I could understand, but it still hurt. It hurt so much.

                “Be quiet Maxwell!” my dad snapped from somewhere outside my room. That was it. Something inside me shattered and I buried my face into my pillow and let out a frustrated shriek.

                I jumped up and stormed over to my desk. I was hurting so much inside. I don’t even know what made me do it, but I grabbed my pocketknife out of my desk. Without thinking, I placed it on my skin and quickly sliced it across.

                I winced at the pain but bit my lip and did again, this time slower. My eyes widened as I realized what I was doing as blood crawled down my arm. I flung the blade away from me in fear.

                I crumpled to the ground. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to keep myself from falling apart anymore. Tears silently dripped down my face as I began to shake. What was happening to me? What was happening to my life?

                After god only knows how long, I slowly pushed myself off the ground. My wrist was still gently bleeding. I quickly made my way into the bathroom. I cleaned it and wrapped it before going into my room. I found an old wristband and pulled it on, making sure it covered the bandages.

                I glared at my reflection in my mirror. “You’re so pathetic Maxwell. No wonder your friends abandoned you,” I whispered to it. I brought my fist up to smash the mirror. I groaned at the pain in my hand and hurriedly wrapped my bleeding fist. I went back into the bathroom and fixed my hand.

                I went to bed and the next morning, I made my way into school. My friends stood together in their usual spot. Pierce and Owen were talking quietly. Noah and Lacey were talking joyfully. Andre wasn’t over there.

                Nervously, I made my way over there. “Hi Noah,” I said quietly. He completely ignored me. I wanted to scream and cry and beg him to tell me what was wrong. “Noah?” I asked desperately. “Did I make you mad?”

                I could’ve sworn I saw pain flash through his eyes. “I have to get to class. I’ll talk to you later Lacey,” he said with a bright smile towards her. “Noah! Please talk to me!” I cried as he turned to walk away.

                He didn’t even hesitate as he quickly walked away from me. “Noah!” I called after him. I spun to face Lacey. “Why’s he mad at me? What did I do?” I whispered.

                She shook her head. “I don’t know Maxi,” she whispered back before pulling me into a tight hug. When I looked up, Pierce looked away quickly.

                I gulped and made my way over to him slowly. “Pierce, please talk to me,” I whimpered. He bit his lip. “I can’t Max. I don’t want to be with you.”

                “Hey Pierce!”

                We spun to face Andre. He walked up to Pierce and they pressed their lips together. I could feel the hurt explode in my eyes and I forced it away before Pierce could look at me again. “Bye Max,” he said quietly before grabbing Andre’s hand and leading him away.

                Owen glared after them before turning to me. “Hey Max. Fancy seeing you here.” “It’s school Owen. You see me here 5 days a week,” I said miserably.

                He shrugged. “I guess I do. So how was your night?” I winced a little. “It was…quiet. How about yours?” I asked quietly. He pouted. “Walked in on my mom and step dad having sex. My step dad just winked at me and kept on going. Horny bastard.” He rolled his eyes.

                Owen sighed. “Look Max, I really need to talk to you about this whole thing with Pierce. I have to babysit my brother tonight but stop by my house and I can lock the brat up so we can talk. Okay?” He gave me a small smile. I nodded. “Okay Owen,” I said as the bell exploded. I made my way to first period slowly, realizing I had it with Pierce and Noah.

                                                                                ***Max’s Dad’s POV***

                I opened the door to Maxwell’s room and let myself in. I know it’s bad to snoop in my son’s room but I just had to. I couldn’t stand Max being gay but I loved him so much that I was starting to break. I needed my son back in my life. I had to find something to fix this.

                My eyes landed on the mirror and they widened. That hadn’t been shattered yesterday morning when I was in his room to shut his window.

                I went over to it and noticed a few drops of blood stained on the carpet under it. They faintly trailed back to the bathroom. Max had punched the mirror!

                I noticed some blood stained on the floor away from the faint trail. I knelt next to it. It was a pretty good amount of blood. The hell had happened to make Max bleed like that?

                My eyes noticed something that the light had caught. I looked over and saw Max’s pocketknife lying on the ground near the wall. My heart slammed as I went over to it and shakily grabbed it. I bit my lip. Did I really want to know this? Did I really want to it?

                I scanned it and nearly fainted. Yes. Max’s blood was on it. Oh my god. My son had cut himself. It had to have happened after I had snapped at him to be quiet. I had heard him chuck something at the wall not too long after I had snapped at him.

                Maxwell. Maxwell had really cut himself. Oh my god. My grip on the pocketknife tightened in fear. Was it my fault? Oh god. He was at school now with a cut on himself somewhere. Hell, maybe several. I had to get to him. I had to find Maxwell.

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