Closets Are For Clothes {7}

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                My eyes widened in shock. He pulled away and ran a hand through his hair. “God damn I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” I stared at him.

                “Pierce, I’m straight!” I lied desperately. He shook his head. “Nah. I can tell you’re not straight, Max. It’s kind of obvious.” I felt my face heating up and he chuckled.

                “Chill out little dude. I’m not going to tell your parents. Or anyone. Especially not Noah. Owen knows, though.” I nervously laughed. “Pierce, I’m straight.” He rolled his eyes. “Just stop it Max. I can tell, alright?”

                I felt my head drop in defeat. Pierce knew. Did anyone else, besides him and Owen, know about it? About me? What if my mom and dad found out? Would they disown me? Probably.

                Pierce pat me on the back and gave me a smile. “Don’t worry Max! I promise that I won’t tell anyone.”

                “He won’t. But I will.”

                We spun to face a grinning Brent.

                He held up his cell phone. My face paled. He taken a picture of Pierce kissing me. I risked a glance at Pierce. His face was terribly angry. His eyes were locked on Brent. He clenched his fists.

                “Do it and I’ll kill you,” he growled. Brent smirked and pressed send. I felt sick to my stomach as I watched his phone announce that the picture had been sent.

                Brent chuckled and hurried off before Pierce could grab him. Pierce came back over to me. “Max? Max, I’ll handle everything, okay?” he whispered. “Pierce. My parents,” I choked out, feeling terrified. What if someone forwarded it to facebook? Or, even worse, sent it to one of my parents.

                “Max, it’s going to be alright. I’m going to handle everything,” Pierce promised. He moved in and gently pressed his lips to mine. I didn’t stop him. I just stood there, tears pooling in my eyes.

                Pierce pulled in for a tight hug before gently taking my hand and leading me out of the bathroom. He released my hand and I wiped my eyes. Kids stared at us as we walked by. Some had their phone in their hands.

                “Fags!” someone yelled. Others began to laugh violently. “Everyone quick! Zip up your pants!” someone cried, making people laugh harder. I dropped my head in shame.

                “Everyone quick! Shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you!” Pierce roared. Some went silent. Others continued to laugh at us. I think they were mostly laughing at me though.

                “Max!” Noah cried. No, no, no. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t face Noah. Not now that he knew my secret now. His cell phone was in his hand. I could see the picture on the screen. It was Pierce and I.

                I hurried to walk away from him. He looked hurt. “Max, come back!” he cried and began to follow me. “Maxwell Quincy is a fag!” someone shouted and people laughed. I felt more tears pooling in my eyes.

                I hurried out of school, shoving the doors open and running as fast as I possibly could just to get the hell out of there. I wasn’t really sure where to go now. I was far too embarrassed to face my friends and I couldn’t just go home.

                I mentally sighed. I had to go home. I could just tell mom I wasn’t feeling well. I walked home and opened the door. I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs to my room.

                Turning on my laptop, I signed onto my facebook. It took every ounce of strength not to ball my eyes out. The picture was all over. People had statuses. It was awful.

                Anger grabbed at me. Why did Pierce have to do that to me? Why did he have to kiss me like that? In school!

                But then it was replaced by misery. It didn’t matter anymore. The fact was that Pierce had kissed me and now my life was going to be hell. How did Pierce expect to handle this? He couldn’t stop it. He couldn’t control it. Gossip is gossip. It gets around and it gets around fast.

                Skeeter wandered into my room as I wrapped my arms around my knees and curled up in the corner. I pet his head and felt myself shaking.


                I buried my head in my knees. I must have forgotten to lock the door. I couldn’t look Noah in the eyes. What if he laughed at me?

                I felt him kneeling next to me. He placed his hand delicately on my shoulder. “Max, it’s alright,” he assured. “Pierce explained everything.” I looked up at Noah miserably. He had a concerned look on his face.

                “He told us that he kissed you because he liked you,” he said, sitting next to me. “And that you don’t like him back. He said it was all his fault. He thought you were bi.”

                “Noah…I can’t go back to school,” I whispered and broke down. He looked at me with sad eyes as I cried. Skeeter whined and pawed at me.

                “Max? Oh my god Max! What’s wrong?!” mom cried and ran into my room. I couldn’t tell my mom. She wouldn’t love me anymore. She sat on the other side of me and wrapped her arms around me. This was so embarrassing. I was a 16 year old boy sobbing while his mother held him and his best friend watched.

                This was bad.

                And things were only going to get worse.

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