Closets Are For Clothes {27}

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                “Max,” Pierce whispered shakily. “I…” I gave him a sad look. “You what Pierce? Thought that you were the only one who got to move on and be happy? You dumped me Pierce and you didn’t even give me a reason why.”

                Pierce shot hate filled glare at Noah. “You know Noah. Stop taking advantage of Max!” he snapped. “I didn’t take advantage of him Pierce!” Noah cried.

                “It’s your fault,” Pierce whispered as he looked at Noah. “I was falling in love with Max and now we’re apart because of you!”

                He jumped at Noah and knocked him to the ground. He threw his fists at Noah wildly. Noah yelped and covered his face desperately.

                “Get off him!” I screamed and threw Pierce off of Noah. But Pierce just knocked me aside and went after him again. “Why did you have to fuck everything up?! I was in love with him Noah!” he screamed desperately.

                “Pierce! Stop!” Owen cried. He and I forced Pierce off of Noah. Noah groaned and sat up slowly. His nose was a bloody mess and bruises were already starting to form on him. “It was Andre! Not me!” he whimpered.

                I spun to face Andre. He had a shocked look. “What?” he whispered. Hatred exploded in Pierce’s eyes. “He’s right. It was you Andre. You hurt Max. You threatened him just to get me to dump him and date your sorry ass,” he hissed.

                 “I did not!” Andre cried. Pierce threw himself at Andre. They crashed to the floor and Pierce now allowed his fists to attack Andre. “Pierce!” I cried. Owen watched with a cold look. “He deserves it Max. He’s the one who pushed you down the stairs. He’s the reason you almost drowned. He’s the reason Pierce dumped you,” he said quietly.

                But that didn’t make this right. I knocked Pierce off of Andre and stood in front of him protectively. “Move you moron! Before he hurts you again!” Pierce growled.

                “Pierce, this isn’t going to solve anything. It’s only going to get you taken away from your dad,” I said desperately. The fight slowly drained out of Pierce. He loved his dad too much to risk getting taken away from him.

                Andre slowly got up. “You’ll pay Pierce. I hate you. I hate you so fucking much you cheating man whore,” he hissed angrily before storming out of Owen’s house.

                Well all looked at each other silently. “I’m sorry Noah,” Pierce said at last. “It’s okay,” Noah said, offering him a reassuring smile. Noah made his way over to me and I hugged him tightly. “Are you okay?” I asked in concern.

                Noah nodded and I kissed him. Pierce bit his lip and looked away quickly. Guilt slapped me in the face but I forced myself to get over it.

                “Owen!” we heard the brat’s voice screaming. I laughed as we heard the faint pounding. Owen rolled his eyes. “Stupid brat,” he grumbled, shaking his head.

                “Maybe the brat found Narnia!” Noah cried in excitement. “Might as well let him out of the closet,” Owen said, waggling his eyebrows. We followed him upstairs to the brat’s room. Owen unlocked his closet door and let the brat out.

                Ian glared at Owen in hate and disgust. “You stupid fucking bitch!” he screamed and kicked Owen’s shin. “Ouch,” Owen grumbled in annoyance. “I’m telling my daddy and he’ll kick you out of the house again!” Ian shouted.

                “Good. Then I can go to my real dad’s house and get away from you and your dick of a dad!” Owen snapped and shoved the brat to the ground.

                The brat screamed out in frustration as he stood up. He moved next to Noah with a pout. “Um…is it bad that I’m more scared that your brother’s going to bite me rather than your cat?” Noah asked awkwardly, suspiciously eyeing Ian.

                Owen shrugged. “Nah, it’s a common fear. The brat bites like a mother fucker.” Ian snapped his teeth at Owen. “I’ll bite you bitch!” he threatened.

                “I think it’s a little sad that your 3 year old brother swears more than the 4 of us combined,” I pointed out. Owen laughed. “That’s because his dick of a dad can’t watch his language. My rents didn’t swear around me until I was 12. Well, my dad did when they got divorced. But my mom didn’t want me swearing. Now that she married that dick, she doesn’t give a fuck.”

                I kind of felt bad for Owen. His family was an absolute disaster. Pierce’s mom was bad but at least his dad was fairly responsible with him. Owen’s mom had basically abandoned him for her new husband. His dad was a really nice guy but he was incredibly irresponsible. He let Owen do whatever he wanted and had once even given Owen money for weed and some beers.

                But…speaking of dad’s, I realized mine was still going to be looking for me. I had to figure out what to do about that. I was scared to face him. I was terrified to see that disappointed look in his face intensified.

                Noah grabbed my hand and squeezed it lovingly, shooting me a reassuring smile. I smiled back. I swear it’s like he can read my mind. With Noah by my side, I would face my dad. I would make my dad love me again.

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