Closets Are For Clothes {13}

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                “It’s alright Max. No one’s going to bother you. If they try to, I’ll handle them,” Pierce promised as we stood outside of the school. I was going to tell my parents tonight. Noah and Owen were the only people who knew Pierce and I were dating.

                Pierce gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead before we started walking. I gulped as we entered school. Kids stared at us as we walked hand-in-hand to Noah and Owen.

                “Fags!” someone yelled. Pierce’s head whipped around. “If anyone has a problem, I’ll kick their ass,” he boomed. Everyone went silent as he gave them vicious glares. He smiled at me and we walked over to Noah and Owen.

                “Well aren’t you two just the cutest couple,” Owen said sarcastically. Pierce punched him playfully and kissed my lips. “I’m so much shorter,” I whined.

                Pierce laughed. “Your height or your dick?” “My height. I have to wrap my dick around my leg a few times because it’s so long.” “Oh, we’ve got a dirty boy on our hands,” he said mischievously. I winked at him and the others laughed.

                “Maxi!” Lacey wrapped her arms around me and smiled brightly. “Hey Lacey,” I said, smiling at her. “Hey, hey, hey, back off my boy!” Pierce said jokingly and tugged me towards him. “Nope! Maxi’s my boy!” Lacey giggled.

                Pierce smirked. “Oh really?” He kissed me deeply and I watched Lacey’s face completely fall. “You two are a couple?” she asked in shock. We nodded. “But Max…I thought you were…” She seemed at a loss for words.

                “Straight?” I offered. She nodded and I ran a hand through my hair. “I was in the closet.” Whoa. That definitely felt weird to say. “Closets are for clothes,” Noah said, patting me on the back. I smiled at him. He was such a great friend.


                That was all he was now.

                Lacey forced a smile and hugged me tightly. “I love you Maxi. Gay or not.” I hugged her back. “Thanks Lacey,” I whispered sincerely. I released her and waved as the bell rang.

                Pierce kept his promise. No one, not even Brent or his friends, bothered me. Pierce scared them all off. The school seemed to be considering me just another gay kid.

                I kissed Pierce and waved goodbye as I got on my bus. It dropped me off home and I sat down on the floor to pet Skeeter. “Hi Maxwell. How was school?” mom called from the living room. I felt fear stab at me as I slowly made my way in there.

                She and dad looked up at me with smiles. “Max? Is everything okay?” mom asked in worry, her smiling slipping. Dad got a concerned look too. I forced myself to speak.

                “You guys will love me no matter what, right?” I squeaked. “Of course we will Maxwell! What’s wrong?” dad asked, fear in his voice. “Promise you won’t hate me?” I begged. “Max, we will never hate you!” mom said fiercely. I gulped, my words barely audible.

                “I’m gay.”

                It went eerily silent. “What?” mom whispered. I felt tears rush to my eyes. “I’m gay! I like guys! I’m dating Pierce!” They poured down my face as my parents looked at me. The look in their eyes killed me. “I knew it! You hate me. Oh god. I’m so sorry,” I sobbed and turned away from them in shame.

                I felt arms around me. “We would never hate you Maxwell,” mom said in horror. I refused to look into her eyes as she gently spun me around. “Max, we love you. Gay or not.” Her voice cracked.

                “Aren’t you disappointed in me?” I choked out. She sighed and sat down with me. She pulled me close and kissed my forehead. “You’re my son Max. You like boys. It doesn’t make me hate you. And I am not disappointed in you. Maybe I don’t like it. But I love you. And that’s all that matters.”

                I looked over at my dad. He was silent. Just staring at me with sad eyes. “Dad,” I begged desperately. He avoided my eyes. “I…” He shook his head. “I don’t know,” he said after a pause. “I don’t know Maxi.”

                I hung my head in shame.

                                                                ***Max’s Dad’s POV***

                His head dropped in shame. It was breaking my heart so much. My son. My only son. Gay. I just didn’t want to accept it. Max meant everything to me. How could he be gay? Where did I go wrong with him? Was it my fault? Or was it those damn friends of his?

                “Go to your room honey. I’ll be up in a minute,” my wife said, kissing his forehead again. Max trembled as he stood and left the room. We waited until we heard his bedroom door shut.

                My wife looked at me with furious eyes. “He’s your son!” “He’s gay!” I cried. She stood up furiously and pointed an accusing finger at me. “That doesn’t matter! He is your son. You should love him no matter what gender he prefers. Don’t do this to him. Please don’t do this to him,” she begged.

                I shook my head. “I need to think,” I said quietly. She bit her lip before leaving. I listened as I heard her opening Max’s door.

                She screamed.

                My heart slammed as I raced up the stairs to Max’s room. Had he hurt himself? What was wrong that would make her scream like that?

                “What?!” I cried, running into the room. She was sitting on the ground sobbing with a piece of paper clutched tightly in her hands. She shakily handed it to me.


                I’m so sorry I disappointed you. I never meant to. I’m so, so, so sorry. I don’t want to shame you. Don’t look for me. You won’t find me. I love you and mom with all my heart and that’s why I’m leaving.


                He had run away because of me.

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