Closets Are For Clothes {16}

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                “Maxi!” I spun to see Pierce and Owen walking towards me. I smiled at him as he waved pleasantly. We were back in school.

                He threw his hands into the air and began to skip. “Winning!” he screamed happily. Owen joined in as they skipped towards Noah and I. “Winning!”

                They stopped in front of me, grinning like idiots. “Max! What are you doing?!” Pierce cried. “Winning!” I screamed, fist pumping. “Shark bait! Hoo ha ha!” they chanted.

                Noah leapt into Pierce’s arms and smiled widely. He kissed Pierce’s cheek and wrapped his arms around his neck. “Pierce! The love of my life!” Pierce glared at him. “Never!” He dropped Noah to the ground and ran over to me.

                “Maxi! Save me!” he screamed as Noah jumped at him again. “Pierce! I just want to rape you!” he whined. “Stop! Don’t touch me there; this is my private square! R-A-P-E get your penis out of me!” Pierce screamed.

                I wrapped my arms around Pierce. “Mine!” I said and stuck my tongue out at Noah. Noah grabbed my tongue with his fingers and smirked. “Winning!” I glared and attempted to say Winning. Noah laughed. “What was that? Women? I thought you were gay!”

                He suddenly frowned and released my tongue. I tried to force the hurt out of my eyes. He hadn’t meant it like that. He hadn’t been trying to make fun of me. “I’m sorry Max,” he said sincerely and moved towards me.

                Pierce’s arms wrapped around me tightly and Noah bit his lip.


                We spun to face the owner of the voice. He smiled and made his way over. I had never seen him before. He was extremely cute. His eyes stayed locked on Pierce. Pierce tensed up and tightened his arms around me.

                “Hi Pierce! How are you?” the boy asked pleasantly. “I, uh, I…what are you doing here?” Pierce asked, his voice going small. I saw the terror in his eyes.

                “I moved here,” the boy said, still pleasant. “I go to this school now. Maybe you can show me around a little?” Pierce gulped. “Yea. Maybe.”

                He faced all of us. “Hi there. I’m Andre.” We all shook his hand. “I’m Noah.” “Max.” “Owen.” Owen was eyeing him carefully.

                Andre noticed Pierce’s expression and chuckled. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. It’s just me Pierce. I guess you really thought you’d never see me again. We have to catch up sometime. It’s been a while!”

                “You can sit with us during lunch! If you have our lunch period,” Noah said, offering Andre a friendly smile. Andre returned the smile and handed Noah his schedule. Noah nodded happily. “Yep, you have lunch with us! I’ll come find you in the hall, okay?” Andre nodded. “Thank you so much! Noah, right?” Noah nodded. “That’s me!”

                “Well, I really should get to class. It was so nice to see you again Pierce. I guess I’ll see you at lunch,” Andre said and waved before walking away.

                I gave Pierce a concerned look. “What’s wrong Pierce?” He shook his head and shakily grabbed my hand. “N-Nothing,” he whispered. It was so easy to tell he was lying. He avoided my eyes as we began to walk towards class together.

                                                                                ***Pierce’s POV***

                “Owen, what am I going to do?” I moaned as we walked towards lunch together. Owen shook his head. “I don’t get it. Who is he Pierce? Why are you so freaked out?”

                I ran a hand through my hair and shook my head. “He’s the devil.” No. That wasn’t right. Andre was more like a fallen angel. He was absolutely beautiful. But him being here…it was bad news. Very, very bad news. For me, for Noah, for Owen, and especially for Max.

                “Well how do you know him?” Owen asked. I nervously played with my hair. “I use to hang out with him a lot,” I said nervously. Owen shot me a sharp look. “Who is he Pierce? He’s got you mad freaked. What did he do to you?”

                I bit my lip. What did he do to me? He did a lot to me. But I did a lot more to him. That’s what scared me so much. His last words to me. The words he spat at my retreating figure. When I told him I would never see him again. When I told him I never wanted to. I glanced at Owen and sighed.

                “He’s my ex-boyfriend.”

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