when they meet

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Morning rises and a beautiful girl one with sparkling eyes and angelic face wakes up due to sun raises falling on her and suddenly her phone beeps and she understood that it is swayam's message to wish her good morning as they both have this as their daily routine she checks her phone and sees a message.

swayam-Good morning kriya. kriya who is our lead replies back to swayam.Kriya and swayam are very fond of eachother since childhood and like always swayam had to remind kriya about their meeting in college.[their message convo continues]

Swayam- so u r comin right.

Kriya- obvio today's day is very important for me.

swayam - not just for u for every1.

kriya-ya sorry so meet u sharp at 9.

swayam-kk bye will come to pick u(**)

somewhere in singhania mansion

Rey the sleeping beauty was still sleeping and dreaming about who could be his dream girl suddenly a water splash comes on him from pihu(rey sister actually not real but was adopted by his parents she is just of 13 yrs) .

rey-Pihu what did u do.

Pihu[giggled]- sharon told me to do this

Pihu went aside rey saw Sharon her best friend They both greeted each other GM AND Sharon send rey to be ready and come to college fast and then she left too.


This where kriya and gang study.As soon as kriya and swayam entered their group members turned and greeted them while Neha was the first one to speak.

Neha-Neha- canteen entering together together.Kriya and swayam widened their eyes And neha got quiet

Neha-I was just saying and if u did not like it i will stay quiet.

Kriyam-now thts good As they spoke together full gang started mocking them.[kriyam is kriya swayam]

Kriya:guys bee quiet I n swayam r just frns nothing else get that n now don't start all this again and if u will then as I m a GS then I can punish u guys .The gang agreed with her and started conversing .

Neha-i am very scared about todays footloose elimination.Everyone calmed her down n the team continued to discuss their dance routine.

St.louis was one of the colleges that was very active in cultural programms and this time kriyas team which includes swayam,vishakha,amar,bharat and neha.Today is a big day for them since they will now whether they will continue with this competition or not but the biggest tension for kriya was to meet the captain of st.xaviers whom she will meet tonight.


As how the team members mocked to swayam and kriya the same they do with sharey but after Sharon shows her diva attitude they all bcomes quiet they were too talking about there performance but then suddenly Vicky suddenly notices rey and says

vicky-rey are u still thinking about miss perfect.

Rey-no buddy i was thinking that y aren't we  friends with the dancers of st.louis ,since they also r trying to be our friends plus they also dance well so it might help us.

nil-they do but not their ignorant captain.[nil is not aware of the fact that st.louis's captain is changed].Soon the team became busy  deciding whether to be friends with them or not.

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