The person I meet

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                                                       TONY'S POV:

As I was walking on the street there was a brunette...she looked as if she was my age, around 17.  I wasn't even thinking and I ran straight into her and her friends and we all fell backwards onto our asses.  she was with two other friends, one of her friends had dark long hair, the other one who was laughing so hard when she hit the ground had blood red hair.  although her friends were laughing, she wasn't...she was staring at me while her I phone layed in pieces on the ground and I helped her pick it up...she was kinda cute actually.  Immediately I said "HI!  I'm Tony Perry I'm new here."  She has this devilish smile plastered on her face and she held out her hand "Hello...I'm Lior and you broke my phone case."  I bit my lip and said "Sorry." her friends were laughing like fucking idiots rolling on the ground.  They introduced themselves the long haired one perked up and said "I'M CLOWIE!"  And the short haired red head said while laughing "I'M JAZMINE!"  We all got up and shook hands.

                                                     LIOR'S POV:

Clowie,Jazmine, and I were on a walk talking about how much school sucks ass and as I was showing them my favorite Of Mice & Men song  this guy covered in tattoos smacked into us and thank god for my phone case, it saved my phone completely!  The guy was pretty cute if I say so myself...he seemed kind about it, but had that trouble maker look to him.  I liked it.

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