The depression got the best of her..

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                                                                  TONY'S POV:

After leaving Chris, I  felt horrible, Cam and me fell asleep on the couch, I woke up early in the morning to the buzzing of my cell phone.  I picked up my phone and I was horrified, the text said "Come outside Tony..."  I ran out of the door in my vans and right when I turned the corner, something collided with my face.  It was so painful, it stung so bad I couldn't bare it.  I passed out and was dragged somewhere.

I opened my eyes and I was in a dark room with a single flickering light, tied to a chair next to Chris.  No one was in the room yet and I heard Chris groan in pain and turn his head at me and his eyes widen and he started to whimper and tears slid down his face in horror.  Was he looking at me, or past me  "D-DAD!!"  he yelped as a knife was plunged into my leg and I screamed in pain as they pulled it out.  "So Tony...we've gotcha now.."  the man said and kneed me in the gut as I coughed up blood.  I looked up at him with weary sore eyes and whispered "Let Christofer go, take me.."  The lady walked out of the shadows and grabbed chris by the hair as he screamed.  "And now why would we do that TonTon..." She let out a fake whimper and then she smirked  and dragged her nails down christofer's side as he yelped, trying to scootch away, she just laughed and grabbed my chin.  "Tony Tony Tony, when will you ever learn?  Chris is going to pay for what YOU DID!"  She yelled the last part and drug he nails across Christofer's face as he cried. "LET HIM GO!  HE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS SHIT!!!" I said while sobbing.  "P-Please  take me instead of him..." I said weakily and then chris started to yell "NO!  YOU'RE NOT TAKING TONY FROM ME!!! HIM AND LIOR WERE THE BEST THINGS THAT HAVE EVER HAPPENED TO ME!  YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF SICK FR--"  before he could finish the lady kicked him in the gut and he groaned, he wiggled one foot loose from the ropes and brought it up and kicked the lady right in the gut as she went flying back.  Chris had anger in his eyes, he didn't want to be hurt anymore.  The woman stood up slowly and wiped blood away from her mouth and said in a very bitchy tone "You just hit a girl.."  Chris spoke up and looked her dead in the eye with blood pouring from his mouth and he said "I'm gay, It doesn't count you fake barbie ass BITCH!" he screamed  and she started to punch him, I had to sit there and watch as my son was beaten senseless and bleeding so bad.  WAIT! LIOR!  SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE I WENT! I started to cry harder and panic.

                                                               LIOR'S POV:

I woke up in the morning and Tony wasn't next to me, I ran downstairs and the only person I saw was cam very bloody and bruised. "CAM!" I screamed and he shot straight up and yeled in pain.  "WHAT?!" He said quick.  "Where the fuck is tony?!" I started to sob and cam shook his head saying he didn't know where he was.  I saw Tony's phone on the table, I ran over and looked at the text telling him to go outside.  Clowie had already ran downstairs because she heard me screaming.  "WHAT'S WRONG??!" She yelled with Jazmine standing beside her.  I sobbed harder and threw Tony's phone at them "THEY TOOK TONY! NO NO NO NO NO!"  I started to pace and then I fell to my knees and sobbed.  Clowie and Jazmine kneeled beside me and comforted me.  I pushed them away and started screaming at them "DON'T TOUCH ME, DONT!"  I ran upstairs, I can't believe I had just said that to my best friends, they looked so hurt.

I rummaged around drawers, still sobbing.  I finally came across some old friends of mine, I looked at the shiny razors in hope to get comfort, it uneasied my stomach, but I couldn't care less.  I picked up a blade between my thumb and index finger of my right hand and slid it across my left forarm as I sobbed.  I had locked the door.  "I'M SO SORRY TONY!!!" I screamed and cut deeper into my skin, felling the painful coldness of my shallow heart at the moment.  Blood invaded the whole floor as I dropped to my knees and banged on the door "MY BABY CHRIS I'M SO SORRY."  Jazmine and Clowie came charging upstairs and banged on the bathroom door.  "LIOR, OPEN THE FUCK UP!" Clowie screamed as I sat there and bled, whispering loudly and sobbing "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.." I was half alive when I heard Vic and Mike running up the stairs and then they started ramming the door, Jaime ran up and charged at the door with Vic and Mike, the door toppled down and Clowie and Jazmine screamed when they saw me in a pool of blood on the ground, Jaime picked me up and I could hear them all screaming about what to do, finally jazmine pulled her shit together and took me from Jaime's arms, her and Clowie ran down stairs with me and into Clowie's car, the guys ran in after us and we rushed to the hospital, I was still faintly sobbed and harshly breathing. "I-I-I'm so s-sor.." I was cut off by them rushing me into the ER, screaming their heads off for a doctor, the last thing I saw before I blacked out was a bunch of paramedics and doctors, rushing me in a stretcher to the room, Jazmine, Clowie, Mike, Vic, and Jaime were cut off at the doors, jazmine and Clowie were covered in my blood, sobbing screaming at me "YOU PROMISED!" they cried harder and  Clowie and Jazmine collapsed to their knees and screamed as Vic, and Mike comforted them.  Sam hadn't come with us because she was watching Cam.  I heard them screaming and then I blacked out.  In the back of my mind I could hear doctors yelling, loudest of all, I could hear my heart beat, the words "you promised!" ran through my head so many times...I broke a important one.

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