Late night run

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                                                   TONY'S POV:

After I had met Lior and her friends I decided to go to the ast food place nearby to get a burger.  As I opened the door of  the fast food joint everynody turned to stare at me, the boy with gauges and tattoos and some of the girls in back stared as I got my burger and left I felt someone following me, I turned around to find a group of girls chatting it up and I ran home.  As soon as I got home all the lights were out and no one was up.  I snuck down to my room and slipped off my black Suicide Silence tank top, my skinny jeans, my black vans and my snapback.  I crawled into bed with nothing but my boxers.  I started to drift to sleep while listening to "Of Mice & Men:  The Depths."  As 5:00am  came I was still asleep, by then my dad had come downstairs with a freezing bucket of water and threw it on me I woke up FAST.  He started screaming at me yelling "THIS IS YOUR FIRST FUCKING DAY DON'T BE LATE GOD DAMMIT."  I flipped him off once again, grabbed my clothes and walked to the shower, by the time I had gotten done I had taken all of the hot water and my mom was pissed, so I avoided her the whole morning.  When it came time I ran outta the house and down to school and busted through the doors.  I ran to my locker and put all of my stuff in it, jamming all of my books on the bottom.  As soon as I did that Lior came up with Clowie and Jazmine and she poked me.  I turned around ready to punch a fucker and then I saw Lior and said "Hey!"  She smiled and said Hi as Clowie and Jazmine stayed silent.  I wanted to ask her out so bad but I knew she would say no.  I went on through the day trying to find my classes, Lior helped me.  By the end of the day I kept getting in trouble. 

                                             LIOR'S POV:

I woke up to my alarm going crazy at 5:30am and I hopped up really quick and grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom.  After I took my shower I ran off to school, ignoring my parents, when I got there I saw Tony again, I decided to go approach him, I poked first he seemed pissed and then he noticed it was me and eased up,  I helped him to class all day.  I want to ask him out but...I don;t know yet, that and he raised hell in 8th and 9th hour, I swear the teacher was gonna fuck him up. 

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