No! Lior come back..

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                                                                   LIOR'S POV:

                Just as I thougt I was better, I felt unsteady while laying down, a panic attack almost, I couldn't breath.   I felt my heart stop and the room went pitch plack, this is is...I'm ginna die here today, on my hospital bed.

                                                             TONY'S POV:

                  "LIOR NO!" I said in muffled sobs as the doctors did the shocker, after 3 times Lior's heart monitor switched back on and I started to cry of happiness because, this wasn't the end of us.  The doctors ran tests and let Lior sleep, I mean come's been a rough day.  I was still sobbing into Jaimes arms, waiting for Lior to wake up.  I didn't sleep, I didn't eat, and I didn't talk much except when I needed to...I was so worried to live without her in my life, Im so glad she came back, truth is I can't live without her.

                 "So you long do you think it'll be until I get to see Lior again?"  I said wearily.  Jaime spoke up and said however long it'll take her to wake up Tony...but dont worry Im sure she'll wake up so--"  He was cut off by a doctor "Mr Perry, you can go in and see your wife now she's awake and would like to see you."  we walked up to her room and I saw her with a slight smile when she saw my face. I ran right up to her and I grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead "You gave me a hearattack I-I though I was going to lose you, Lior!"  I sobbed hard and she kissed my hands and whisered "I would n-never leave you...tony " Lior said weakly with a smile. 

                  "I love you, Lior Perry."  I said with a grin.  "I love you too, Tony."  we kissed and Jazmine and clowie walked in. "ewwwwie."  Jazmine said looking at us.  "Oh WHAAATEVER I had to watch you and Vic make out for like a half an hour."  I said and everyone in the room laughed including Lior.  "Lior you scared the shit outta me! But I am overjoyed that you're okay!"  Clowie said.  "Tony didn't stop crying!"  Jaime said pointing his finger at me as I shrugged.  "Oh come on neither did any of us!  We all cried the WHOLE time."  Mike said.  I had been so worried about Lior I am so glad she's okay though...

                    A few months later, things went back to normal, we had just finished tour and we were ready to go see our families.  We drove back to San Diego to see our families waiting for us, of course Clowie had to have her hand all broken.  "Well what did you do that for??!  Mike said jokingly at clowie for her broken hand.  "Hey shut up Mikey!"  Clowie playfully slapped him in the arm with her free hand and he pulled her into a hug and kissed his daughter on the forehead and picked her up.  We all watched Mike as we hugged our wives and kids.  For me and Lior, we had adopted a 14 year old boy, like we had wanted and Lior is having a baby, we couldn't wait.  Our sons name was Christofer, he was this tall lanky boy with hair that covered part of his eyes, one thing that caught my eye, they don't usually adopt teens out, and he was wearing a Pierce The Veil T-shirt, when we adopted him, he was the happiest person I had ever seen, he gave me a big hug and told the whole band what we meant to him.  Now he's my son, and I'm so happy about that.  Mikey had Natalie, Vic and Jazmine had Josh, and Sam and Jaime also adopted a 14 year old boy named Cameron, him and Christofer went to school together...they were best friends.

We hugged for a while and decided we should go out to eat.  We went to a Mexican restaraunt andof course, us being the mexicabs we are got enchiladas and burritos.  We ate our food and decided to go home, when all of us got home we went to bed, I heard the sound of texting clicks coming from Christofer's room, Lior looked at me and I sighed looking at her "But I feel bad when I get him in trouble." I squealed and Lior shot staright up and her hand up and she said "I love the boy, but I'm not afraid to wack that boy, so you better handle him Tony."   I shot straight up and walked out to Christofer's room and without asking, just opened the door and looked at him and raised an eyebrow.  "Shit!  Dad I'm sorry It's just I'm talking to this person I really really like!"   I sat on the edge of his bed and spoke quietly and said " to them...but my only question is, who is it?"  He blushed really embarassed  and turned, face forward into the pillow and slid his phone into my hands so I could look.  "Ohhh, so what you like a doesnt matter."   I said with a grin. He shot straight uo and said "but what if hes not like me!?  WHAT IF HE DOESN'T LIKE ME BACK??!"   Christofer said worried with tears in his eyes.  "Christofer, Cam is your best friend, and one of my best friend's sons...I can find out for you."   his eyes lit up and he hugged me "THANKS DAD!"  he tected Cam goodnight and handed me his phone.  "tell mom I said sorry!"  he said as he wrapped himself in blankets  and fell asleep, I smiled and walked out of the room and into me and Lior's room, setting down his phone.  "What was all that about?"  Lior said and I smiled.  "Oh nothingggggg." I said as Lior shot me a look and I grinned.

The next day I woke up and Christofer was gone from his room.  I ran around the house and looked through all of the closets and doorways.  "CHRISTOFER PERRY I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING, WHERE ARE YOU?!" I ran around looking for a note from him...nothing.  I started to freak out.  Lior came running downstairs "WHAT'S WRONG?!" She yelled and I put my head in my hands.  "I can't fi--"  I got cut off by my phone rininging and people walking through the door.  I answered my phone as Vic came walking up to me and I held up a finger to hush him.  a small voice came on the phone and I could immediately tell when it said " HELP!" I started to freak as I heard his sneakers clicking against the ground.  :WHERE ARE YOU CHRIS!?" I yelled and I heard him scream and the phone drop as footsteps came closer and chuckled into the phone.  "WHERE IS HE?!" I yelled and the phone clicked off.  My manager came in with Mike, Jaime, and Vic and said "WE HAVE A SHOW TO PLAY!"

 I scrambled around and put on my clothes, getting ready for the concert, I was so worried about Christofer..I was freaking out, when the phone clicked off, I dropped my I phone and started to whimper.  Lior kneeled beside me and asked questions about the phone call and I just shook my head and got ready.  

When we jumped on stage I put on a fake smile and the fans screamed and cheered.  We played a huge list of songs and then the concert ended with a signing, the fans noticed I was worried about something and they hugged me and kissed my cheek.  I felt a little better and on my way back to the  tour bus I got grabbed and seperated from the band.  I was pulled into a van where I saw Christofer unconscious on the ground.  "NO!  WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" I struggled and got hit with a thick metal object and fell to my knees.  A deep voice spoke up in a harsh tone "PRETTY PRETTY BOY....SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH.  Look, I have simple instructions, do you want your famly to die?" I shook my head and he grabbed my hair and jerked me up, there was a sliver of light and taped to the inside of the van were pictures of Lior....not taken by me or family but by...him..he had pictures of her changing clothes and it disgusted me.  I gagged.  he spoke up again and said "I've been following you for a long time, Tony Perry...of course, you wouldn't get it, it's been me all along!  TRYING TO KILL OFF YOUR FAMILY.  You don't deserve to be happy, expecially not with Lior!"  he spat in my face and grinned.   Christofer slightly woke up and groaned.  The myserious man brought a pipe down to my son's head and blood ran down his face in an instant and he started to cry and hold his head saying "D-Dad...I'm s-so....L-Love--"  he passed out and I started to scream and cry trying to reach for him but the man wouldn't let me.  "Bring me Lior and your son will be spared, if you don't...then everyone you love around you.." he brought a finger up to his neck and motioned it like a knife. "Find me when you can accept or the boy goes...bye bye."  he chuckled

                                                             CHRISTOFER'S POV:

I had woken up briefly, the man hit me on the head with a metal pipe and I started bleeding big time which made me cry.  I saw Tony..the words that escaped my lips were ""D-Dad...I....L-Love--"   I passed out and fell into a world of darkness, somehow still alive but in a deep pass.  I could feel the pain.  I didn't want to wake up...I don't want to be hurt, I heard to van door open and close and I opened my eyes once again.  A pipe was brought down to my face and I blacked out completely in a pool of blood.

(Sorry, next chapter will be da shizz.);

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