The new town.

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                                                                  TONY'S POV:

As the car approaches I have my head phones in completely ignoring my mom,  she starts screaming and hitting my leg trying to tell me that we're near the new house.  I raise my middle finger and shout "GO TO HELL MOM" my mom raises her hand at that moment and digs her nails full force into my cheek.  I grasp a hold of my cheek and rip my ear buds out and yell "YOU BITCH!"  my mother gasps lightly and pulls into the new drive way, not caring I hop out of the car to claim my new bedroom.  As I walk into the three story house I run to the basement, and find my new room, not caring who picks it out of my family I run my hands on the wall and mumble under my breath "Shitty walls."  As I turn around my mom is sitting behind me with my dad and she growls and says "You better not cause any trouble TONY PERRY!"  As I sit there I think to myself  " trouble?  I'M GONNA RAISE HELL"  Come on MOM  HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ME NOT TO!  YOU RAISED ME THAT WAY I said with a tone.  My mother grabbed the back on my collar and scowled.  I came free from her grip and grabbed my snapback and put on my black vans.  I'M GOING OUTSIDE. My mom looked at me and said "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE A STEP OUT THAT DOOR OR YOU'LL BE IN TROUBLE!"  Fuck you mom I said in an angry voice and stepped out the door. 

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