Location, location. '<

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                                                                        VIC'S POV:

It was the morning of the concert and we were pumped.  All of us hurdled into the bus with our equipment.  Lior grabbing her pass, jazmine grabbing her press pass and camera,  Jaime, Tony, and me grabbed our guitar picks and Mike snatched up some drum sticks.  We all grinned and sat beside eachother, I swung my arm around jazmine and Tony did the same to Lior.  Mike and Jaime just kinda sat there cracking jokes between all of us, we were all laughing so hard we didnt even notice the bus had come to a stop.  The bus driver came back to us and had to tell us we had arrived.  Suddenly I heard shout and screams of fans, the sound of that was music to my ears, I would never ever in the world get sick of hearing our fans shout and scream encouragements, it gave me a heartache, I wish I could meet with every single one of them to make sure they know how  they are saving Pierce The veil, to make sure they know how much they mean to us.  So today I decided 'Hey, why not say hi to everyone, and give hugs real quick.' I told the boys my idea and the girls said they'd do it with us.  We handed our stuff to the roadies in our cases and we stepped out of the tour bus, when we got out there, there was a gate and body guards seperating us from our fans.  jazmine pushed the body guards away and hopped over the gate into a sea of people as they grabbed her and gave hugs, it really made my heart sing to see that the fans loved our wives as much as they do us.  Then Mike jumped over, followed by Lior and Jaime and finally it was my turn, I hopped over the gate and all of the fans were grabbing at us, pulling us into hugs and telling us how much we mean to them, it really made a world's difference to see the look in their eyes.  We peeled away from the crowd and shouted "PIERCE THE VEIL LOVES YOU" "I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE SET" and we hopped back over the fence withhuge grins on our face.  We walked onto stage and set up our stuff again and did a quick check. Soon the fans started piling in and there were mass floods of them, screaming, jumbled together, chanting all together "Pierce The Veil!  Pierce The Veil!"   it made my heart beat skip faster and faster, we did our behind stage warmups and Tony threw his hair to the side and grabbed his guitar as Mike wheeled out his drums and Jaime proceeded to do the same as Tony, I grabbed my guitar and we all rushed onto stage.  The fans roared and tony grinned that heart stopped grin that he always does that probably kills 90% of fans on the inside.  Jazmine sat on the inside of the gates , taking photographs next to Adam Elmanakias, I could see how much joy there was in her eyes as she took photos.  I decided to start it off as simple as "Hey guys how are you!?"  I knew they never ever usually say 'good' they always just scream which makes me grin like an idiot.  "So we're gonna play the song 'A Match Into Water' to kick this shit off."  I threw my fist in the air as Mike tapped his his drum sticks three times to let us know to get started.  We started singing and playing without a care in the world, everything was okay, everything was fine, there were no worries hanging in the atmosphere, everything was good.  The fans sang along, we all loved it when they did that.  We finished the song and moved on and on from 'A Match Into Water' to 'Stained Glass Eyes' 'I'm out of gas and you need a Jacket' 'Caraphernelia' 'I don't Care If Your Contageous' and so on.  We had a meet and greet planned and we had walked around the meet and greet taking photos and signing stuff and giving hugs.  We sat down at the tables for a minute and this girl, who looked about 14 handed mike a letter and said "I-I'm sorry about Clowie." and mike smiled and hugged the girl and reassured her that the whole clowie being dead was a whole misunderstanding but if she gives him her twitter he will follow her. The girl grinned and ran off happily.  Mike had a huge smile plastered on his face and then we decided to take huge group shots with the fans, Jazmine and Adam grabbed their cameras and told us to smile, and they must have taken like a thousand pictures.  I laughed quietly to myself when Jazmine started taking a bunch of pictures out of randomness.  When the meet and greet ended, we decided to go outside to get some freash air and Mike's phone buzzed. he grabbed it off of our stuff and when he looked there was a text.

                                                               MIKne buzeE'S POV:

My phone buzzed, it was a text..from clowie!  



Mike we ended up getting stable today!  So, I have my whereabouts earlier and I need your help, there's just one problem, they think Jazmine is dead..they thought I did it, I could never do it, never eevr in my life could I kill one of my best friends and they think I did it, they havent even realizxed I had the cell phone, I hope everything went good today, I heard the word on the streets and internet that Pierce the Veil played a HUGE sold out show so i hope everything went well, we're on the other side of San Diego in a shotty motel, and I mean SHOTTY, it's scary as fuck down here, crack heads and drug addicts, fuck everything right now, the hotel's name is Sunshine Inn, you're going to have to get down here before they start making another plan. 


Your wiiifffeee.

I grinned hugely and told her that by tomorrow, I would be there, I would save her from them, get her away.  I told her how amazing the concert was and everything, I was so happy...besides the part that they believe Jazmine is dead, that's just crazy.  We all loaded up our equiptment and loaded into the bus with the roadies. We told more jokes and talked about how we would go get clowie, it was super duper late, by now it's about 1am and we were all super fucking tired to the point of no return.  When we got home, we all ran inside, Tony and Lior fell asleep on the couch and Jazmine and Vic were eating icecream in the kitchen as Jaime played video games, I carried Natalie around and when I went upstairs to check on Cam and Chris, they had fallen asleep on each others shoulders, I shut their door and carried natalie upstairs to bed.  She asked me to read her some of Harry Potter, which is the best thing a father could ever imagine a daughter asking.  We got so caught up in reading it, she had fallen asleep after asking the question "Would people call Harry a freak for having scars? because that would be mean, he doesnt deserved to be treated that way by meanies" and then she fell fast asleep, it was the cutest thing I had ever seen, I kissed her  forhead and said goodnight and tucked her in, walking out of her room I found Jazmine on the ground playing with our cat, making zooming noises as she picked him up and twirled him around Vic's head.  Vic grabbed him and set him down, tickling Jazmine, it was the cutest thing, I wish I had clowie here.  I laughed to myself as jazmine started shouting for him to stop through giggles and when  he wouldn't, she kicked him in the nuts and he went down, she kissed his forehead and wveryone bursted into laughter, vic did too. jazmine went with her normal 'Well I told you to stop, love.!'  and we were all laughing so hard we couldnt breath.  Finally Vic stood up, kissed jazmine's cheek and laughed, running upstairs.  Everyone took their showers besides Tony and lior who like I said had fallen asleep on the couch, curled up together.  I drifted right asleep, in the back of my mind, I knew everything was going to be ok.

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