It's time to wake up.

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                                                               TONY'S POV:

"Tony...Tony please wake up..."  I swear I hear a voice in the back of my concious.  I slowly opened my eyes to see Lior,jaime, and Mike, crying over my bed.  I opened my eyes and said "L-Lior..." She started to cry harder and hugs me tightly. I hugged her bacl "Why are you crying!!?" I said. that's when Jaime spoke up and said "You lost TONS of slipped into a coma from blood loss, and it's been about 3 weeks..."  "THREE WEEKS!?" I said.  "Where's Clowie, Jazmine, and Vic?!" I said worriedly.  "Jazmine and Clowie are still in the room next to yors, they got badly hurt, and Vic is picking up Mc Donalds." Said Lior.  I kissed Lior and held her hand.  Vic ran in, threw Mc Donalds at everyone in the room and then him and Mike rushed back into Jazmine and Clowie's room.  Lior sat on the side of my bed and layed next to me. We sat there for a while until a doctor came in and smiled widely "Hello!" She chimed, "How are you Mr. Perry?? Feeling better I assume!"  she had the most annoying voice ever, so high pitched and bitchy..."Yeah...I'm fine..."  I said.  "WELL THAT'S FANTIDDLYTASTIC" She said excitedly.  "You'll be out of here in no time!"  She added as she walked out the door. 

A few short minutes later we could here screaming from Clowie and Jazmine's room and we got really worried until we heard giggling intensively, it sounded like Mike was tickling Clowie again.  Lior shouted "MIKE YOU'RE GONNA MAKE HER PISS HERSELF STOOOP IT."  we all laughed and I got moved to the same room and Jazmine and Clowie.  Vic sat by Jazmine's side, Mike sat by Clowie's, and Lior sat by mine.  I knew all of us guys had something up our sleeves for the next few upcoming months. 

a few weeks went by and we were still in the hospital, but way healthier.  Our parents had been put away for a LONG LONG time.  I started having really bad night terrors, the other night Lior was sleeping beside me in my hopsital bed and I started screaming in my sleep yelling "DON'T TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE!!!"  We all wondered what it could've meant.  A few days passed by and we were let out of the hospital, the first thing we all did was pull our money together and rent a really nice apartment to fit us all.  After a months or so, all of us have gotten pretty serious, and Jaime found himself a girl.  Me, Vic, Mike, and Jaime had an idea, I can play bass very well, Jaime can sing and play guitar, Mike can play frums and rap, vic can sing and play guitar, we all had a crazy idea to start a band.  So we are going for it, the girls are all for it!

We decided to call our band Pierce The Veil.  We really hit it off, we have started playing gigs all ofver San Diego.  We all sat down and decided to write some songs.  Vic pitched the song name "Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides."  We sat and thought long and hard...finally Vic spoke up "I GOT THE FIRST PART!"  he said excitedly.  "Then c'mon man!" I said and playfully punched him in the shoulder as the girls sat across the room and listened.  Vic sang "Like a rush shot through you
Everyone is watching you "  I nodded and wrote it down.  "Not baaad bro."  Mike said and Jaime nodded.  I sat with the pen to my mouth and said "Told you why I see no need for the sun."  and we all nodded as Jaime chimed in and sang back up singing " I've found a reason to say"  The vic sang the whole thing put together  as "Like a rush shot through you Everyone is watching you Told you why I see no need for the sun (I've found a reason to say)"  "FUCK YEAH!"  Said Mike "Sounds amazing"  Jaime said and I nodded in agreement as we wrote it down.

a few weeks late we had figured out the whole song and it went like this Like a rush shot through you

"Everyone is watching you

Told you why I see no need for the sun
(I've found a reason to say)
A love you light is a love soon gone
If this is it
Don't bother cause this love is a lie
I'm a chemical kid
You're a mechanical bride

(When every vein is red out of the blue)
I held a diamond to the sun
To count the moments on account of the way you
Smile, smile for me
(Oh, we're in slow motion when you)
Smile, smile for me

But, oh my God, I've been looking
But I still hold your breath so you won't leave
Pastel-red and porn star-white
Ghost on the altar
We breathe, don't leave

Say that the night sings alone
And if there's a God
Then I'm letting Him go
All for you, you alone
Raise my hands
At the thought of you leaving me alone

What if I... what if I...
What if I, I still care?

Don't torture me or beg me
Can you make me believe in tiring?
As you fall fast asleep, it reminds me
Of the slow symphonies behind me
(They sing along)

All the nightmares you'll see tomorrow
All the stars on your ceiling
They glow but not for you
Through the trees, I'll blow"

Vic sang it perfectly, with Jaime's back up and bass, I was lead guitar, and Mike's drumming really made  everything was perfect.

Months later, we were touring all around with Lior, Jazmine, and Clowie.  tonight at warped tour, we had something up our sleeve for the girls. As we were setting up for Warped tour the girls ran up to us and jumped on us, wrapping their legs around our waists and we had to hold them up.  We all laughed and Lior kissed me, Clowie kissed mike's face all over and jaz just held onto Vuc and we smiles as the girls said in unison "GOOD LUUUCK!"  we kissed once again, and went back to setting up, this year we had main stage.

A few hours before warped, we went out and met some of the fans.  They were such amazing kids with so much life ahead of them, so many talents awaiting, we had so much fun.  Now it was time to hop up on stage, by then we had made LOTS of hit songs.  We kicked it off with 'Hell Above'  Then we did 'caraphernelia'  then 'Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides'  and many others, the last one we played was 'Yeah Boy and Doll Face' and at the end; Mike, Vic, Jaime, and I called our girlfriends up on stage and the crowd cheered.  "Alright, listen up!"  Vic said as the crowd got quiet and Vic spoke once again "These girls honestly mean the fucking world to us and for me, I couldn't see myself living without Jazmine."  Then Mike took the mic "Clowie truly mean everything to me and I'd give up anything to see her beautiful smile."  and then Jaime stepped up "Sam...we haven't been dating as long as all of them have been dating Jaz, Clowie, or Lior but I truy want to spend my life with you."  and then it was  my turn and I turned to Lior "Lior, I'd conquer the world with one long as you were holding the other. I would crawl to the ends of the Earth for you. I bet the guys feel the same way about you all."  We all nodded and at once we got down on one knee and held out diamond rings as we looked into the eyes of what seemed to be the most perfect people we had ever seen.  Right when vic kneeled down, jazmine tackle hugged him, crying, saying "YES YES YES."  and then we sat there waiting for them to finish making out and then clowie kneeled down to Mike and said "YES" with tears in her eyes.  Sam said yes to jaime right away with no second doubts.  When I cam and stared into Lior's beautiful eyes, they were full of happy tears and she nodded whispering "Of course YES!"  and then we all slipped the rings on and the crowd went fucking NUTS!  We were all so happy, we did one last song with our good ol friends Sleeping with Sirens, the song was 'King For A Day."  we rocked it. 

After warped, we met with a bunch of fans and gave out free stuff, giving hugs, taking pictures, signing, singing a special song, it was truly amazing.  When we finished with that, we went back into the tour bus and the girls had already passed out in our bunks, we crawled in bed with them and fell asleep.  We woke up in the morning with a sense of happiness and will...we were so glad, we had the most amazing girls in the universe, they were all ours and we would never let them go.   Lior is my world. 

(Sorry about this crazy chapter, the next one is gonna have a lot happen! ^_^)


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