01 || The beginning

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Rohan's Pov

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Rohan's Pov.

"Chalo na." (Come on.) I managed to get Kriti's attention on me for once tonight.

"I'm coming baby, hold on." She shot down my offer as she continued to talk to her friends.

I shook my head as I walked to the bar section of my house and ran into Ajay Kapoor , my best mate.

"Sick party, Ro." He yelled as we did our bro shake, "Thanks Jay, now only if I can get my girlfriend to give me some attention." I said making us a drink.

"I know the feeling." He pointed to his plus one, Esha, who was talking with Kriti.

"So..." Ajay started.

I raised my eyebrows, "So?"

"Have you decided to do the performance at Wembley Stadium?"

I drummed my fingers on the countertop, "Yeah man I decided it was time to get back into music, ya know?"

"Thats great man." He clapped his hand on my back,"I knew that you would get your muse back." He hinted towards Kriti, who was on her way to approach us.

"I know right, without having my beautiful  gorgeous, lovely Kriti..." I paused to wrap my arms around her waist, "I wouldn't have gotten up and written half the songs that I did."

"Oh stop it babe." She kissed my cheek, "I always knew that you had it in you to bounce back to music."

I wanted to give Kriti all the credit for helping me find my way back to music, but the truth is I couldn't. It was someone else that was, still is, very important to me and the funny thing is we never really got off on the right foot.

"You want me to work with Aarohi? Aarohi Jaykar?" I chuckled. "There is no way in hell,  Aarav." I yelled at my manager.

"Ro, just chill.  She has a huge fan base and you also have an equally huge fanbase as well and both fans have been dying to see a collaboration."

"Well they have to keep dreaming because that's one dream that's gonna remain unfulfilled."

"And can I ask why?"

Aarav shot me an apologetic look as Aarohi Jaykar entered through the door, "You know with that yelling you're bound to have high blood pressure."  She said moving Rohit to the side.

I couldn't help but stare. She was as beautiful as those magazines made her out to be. Her hair was in a side braid and it really went well with her yellow dress. Aarohi looked amazing.

"So I would like to know why am I the reason that you're yelling at your manager." She crossed her arms and gave me a challenging look.

"Look. I don't know you but if I knew your music then trust me, I don't think that we could make a song even if our lives depended on it."  I told her straightforward, not sugarcoating anything.


"Excuse me."

"Lekina apa ne kaha (you said) if you knew my music... which you apparently don't."

At that point I couldn't help but laugh, "Okay so you really believe that you can do a song with me?"

"Last time I checked wasn't it your manager who asked mine to even do this song?"

"What?" I glared at Aarav, who pretended not to notice.

"And me being me, I cancelled an ad shoot for this opportunity to work with you." She continued as if I hadn't spoken.

"Wait hold on."

"Rohit, you told me that it was Aarohi who wanted to collaborate with me!"

"Don't yell at him." She defended Aarav, "I don't know what song we'll end up making, but all I know is that we are doing the song since you already signed the contract." She winked.

"Baby. Ro." Kriti snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yea babe."

"I'm leaving tomorrow to Singapore." She raised her eyebrow.


"So..." She trailed off.

"Oh, Kriti, babe I actually have something for you ." I smiled and grabbed her wrist, guiding her through the crowd of people dancing.

Stopping at one of my many cabinets, "Close your eyes." I commanded. Kriti giggled and closed her eyes as I searched for her gift. Grabbing it and holding it forward, "You can open them now."

"Omg Rohan, thank so much baby. How did you guess?" She said taking the limited edition of Coco Mademoiselle from the Paris Chanel collection.

"Every other girl I know is crazy for it." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Kriti questioned tilting her head.

"Nothing baby, care to dance?"

"Of course babe." She took my hand.

Author's Note :

Hey guys,

So yeah I started a new story and I hope that you like it:) It's a crossover between Student of the Year and Aashiqui 2. Let me know if you like the beginning.

***EDIT-please continue to read at your own risk; this book is going thru major editing as of August 2019:)


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