04 || Gang is back at it again

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Rohan's Pov.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Shayana said angrily as she pulled off the covers, startling Jasmine.

"Woah, hey Shayana calm down." Abhi said pulling her away from Jasmine back into the living room.

"Hey. Hey it's fine, I'm here. She's not gonna hurt you." I said after noticing that Jasmine was still frighten. I held out my hand while giving her a comforting smile.

Without a warning Jasmine wrapped her arms around me and snuggled up to my chest. For second, this familiar warm and fuzzy feeling that surrounded me seemed just right. Acting on that warm feeling, I carried Jasmine out to where Shayana had cooled down and was waiting to question her. Jasmine naturally kept to my side as I placed her down.

"Okay first thing is first. Jasmine aap ki mummy kya hai?" (Jasmine, where's your mother.) Shayana demanded.

"Mummy toh airplane main hai." (Mummy's in an airplane.)

"Kya?" (What?") I exclaimed. To be honest, I was expecting a different answer than the one that I got. But how and why could Aarohi leave Jasmine unattended like that. She wasn't the Aarohi that I remembered.

"Mummy ki friend...sick hai." Abhi hid a chuckle at her sudden Hindi-English change.I had to admit it was adorable if I wasn't panicking over the fact that Aarohi just left her-our daughter without caring.

"Ro, I don't believe that she's your daughter." Shayana stated as she glared at Jasmine.

"What she means to say is that there's no proof that Jasmine is possibly your daughter." Abhi cut in.

"Wanna take a paternity test?" Jasmine bursted out."

"Yess! That's a perfect idea." I yelled as I high fived her.

"Umm Ro," Shayana dragged me to the corner, "These things don't ever stay quiet. You're already making a comeback to the music industry."

I sighed, "What do you suppose we do then, Shayana?"

"For starters try to keep her on the down low while Abhi try to find out about Aarohi." Shayana said her name as if she swallowed something disgusting. It was hard for me to believe that once Shayana and Aarohi were close as sisters.

"Aarohiii, tell Rohan that he's cheating!" Shayana pouted.

Aarohi faced Rohan with an apologetic look and mouthed sorry, "I think that Shay won that round."

Rohan rolled his eyes, "Whatever." He went and sat next to Aarohi, wrapping her into hug.

"Hey no fair. I want a hug." Shayana whined.

Rohan groaned, "Remind me why she's here again." He snuggled closer to Aarohi's neck.

"Oh come on baby be nice, Abhi isn't here and she's just lonely."

"Guys I'm right here." Shayana snapped playfully.

"Oh really? I forgot that you existed." Rohan smirked as Aarohi hit his arm.

"But I love you though." Aarohi pushed Rohan off of her and gathered Shayana in a tight hug.

"See Rohan how much my bhabi (sister in law) loves me?" She stuck out her tongue at him.

"Soon to be." Rohan reminded Shayana as Aarohi blushed.

"Hey?" Shayana snapped her fingers.
"Yeah." I said coming back to reality.
"Is there any possibility that she could be is yours?"

"Umm." I stuttered as I remember the night with Aarohi, "but she can't be my daughter, we don't even look alike."

"See." I rushed over to where Abhi and Jasmine were talking and place myself at her height and smiled. Jasmine looked up and copied my action.

"Oh no you guys don't look related." Shayana said sarcastically.

I shook my head, this was gonna be a long day.

Hey guys its been a while since I updated, I kinda had a little writer's block.

But whatcha think of this chapter?

And omg the Premika song from Dilwale was AMAZING!

Which song did you like the most from that movie?

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