13 || Guilt sucks

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"Kriti darling. I've missed you so much." Rohan said grabbing her luggage.

"Damn Ro," She paused to fix her jacket, " You have no idea how cold it is in Singapore this season." She kissed him, "I like that you've grown out your beard." She gave it a soft pat before getting into the front of the car.

After Rohan got the luggage into the car, he heard a scream and immediately ran to Kriti's side.

"ROHAN. RO!" Kriti yelled, "What the hell is this?" She showed him a pink jacket and a bejeweled notebook with a disgusted look, I was about to sit on this."

Rohan had dropped off Jasmine at his parents so that he could prep himself for Kriti's reaction.

"Umm actually about that...I have a small surprise." He said taking Jasmine's stuff and throwing it in the backseat.

"A surprise?" Kriti smiled, "What kind of surprise, Ro?"

"How much do you love me?" He questioned as he drove looking forward into the road, thinking whether introducing his girlfriend to his daughter was the best thing to do.

"Baby, what is going on?" Concern dripped in her voice.

"I don't know how to say this but....I have a daughter." He said.

"Excuse me?"
"K-Kriti I-"

"No?" Rohan exclaimed.

"I want to meet her."

"Kya?" He slammed the brakes at the red light, looking at her in shock.

"I want to meet her, Rohan. How do you even know that she's-"

"DNA testing." Rohan said cutting her off.

Kriti crossed her arms and leaned back on her seat silently in anger.

"Look Kriti I know me having a daughter is..." He trailed off.

"Crazy." She replied.
"Well I was gonna say unexpected."

"How is she like?"

"She like every other child that's nin-"
"Oh shit" Rohan exclaimed.

"Rohan is up with you today?"

"It's her birthday." He mentally face palmed.

Kriti raised her eyebrow.
"My daughter, Jasmine's."

"Okay so?''

"I left her with my parents! She probably hates me right now."

"Wait a sec, your parents are here as well?"

Rohan nodded.

"Look Kriti, I know I was going to take you out but I really need to focus on Jasmine today... So can we take a rain check tonight?"

"Is this going to be continuing?"
"What's going to be continuing?"

"You ditching me?" Kriti said sounding hurt.

"Kriti please don't start-"
"Rohan you're going to have to decide at one point."

He nodded and the rest of the drive to her hotel was in silence.

"Rohan when the time comes I hope you make the right choice."

"Kriti-" She cut him off with a loud thud coming from shutting the car door.

Rohan sighed, his head hitting the steering wheel. He had no idea what to get Jasmine. Then he got into a so call fight with his girlfriend.

Then it hit him. Jasmine had left her pink journal the one that she carried everywhere and maybe that would contain clues to what she'd probably want for her birthday.

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