05 || "Mummy?"

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This chapter is dedicated to @tiana1993 Thank you so much for your motivating message😘❤️

Jasmine's pov.

I looked around the house and found Rohan passed out on the couch. I have only been with him for two days now and we still haven't left his huge penthgouse.

Shadow's head looked up from Rohan's embrace and followed me silently, which I was lucky for.

I head back to the room that Rohan let me stay in, and closed the door and called mom.

"Hello baby." Mommy quickly answered.
"Hi mommy." I replied, "I miss you." I quickly added.

"Aww I miss you too baba, how is the school?" Mommy asked.

"It's so big." I said while touring the rest of Rohan or "dad's" room.

"That's good, baby. Let me talk to one of your teachers."

"Ughhh actually mommy I'm not supposed to be talking to you..." I lied, knowing that she would be beyond angry with me.

"But bab-." She was cut off with a loud coughing sound in the background.

"Okay sorry baba Vivek uncle is very sick, I have to go. When I get the chance Jassy, I'll call you sweetie. I love you so much. Byeee." With that Mommy hung up.

I sighed, I had to find out why mommy left Rohan or "daddy".

Shadow suddenly began to bark and I squealed as the doorbell rang.

"Jasmine!" I heard Rohan called as Shadow kept barking.

"Ji."(yes.) I responded moving toward his huge living room.

Rohan had a surprised looked on his face as he held Shadow back from an old looking lady. Once Shadow saw me, he calmed down and Rohan let his grip go.

"Rohan." The lady called to get his attention, "yah ladakee hai kaun?' (Who is this girl?)

"Ma..." Rohan seemed to be at a lost for words.

Ma? That old lady was my grandmother?

Before anyone said anything, Abhi walked in through the door without noticing the old lady with a huge grin in his face.

"Jasmine really is your beti (daughter), Rohan." He shoved a bunch of papers in Rohan's face and then proceeded to pick me up.

"Kya?" A voice boomed not only scared me but Rohan also seemed to look pale. Even Abhi Uncle stood up taller.

Heyyy guysss Im back!
Sorry for this short chapter but alot of ypu wanted to have this story update...anyway brownie point if you can guess who the voice is at the end:)
Once school is over for the summer, imma be back to writing...promise❤️

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