17 || Custody Problem

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* Not Edited. May contain errors*

"What the hell is this?" Rohan slammed the custody letter on the table, taking Aarohi out of her thoughts.

"Exactly what you think it is, Ro." She said, her voice not once wavering.

"Don't call me that. You can't take Jas away from me. And when did you have time to make this?!"

"The moment I found out that my daughter was with you."

Rohan winced, "You still can't take her away from me."

"Oh really. What is this?" She took a piece of paper from her purse and slid it to him. "Rohan, you couldn't even keep her safe from the people you trusted her with."

Rohan angrily grabbed the paper and his anger only began to increase as he read the headlines, "EX-ROCKSTAR ROHAN NANDA KEEPS HIS SECRET LOVE CHILD OUT OF PUBLIC EYE, ASHAMED OF HIS LOVE AFFAIR WITH FORMER FIANCEE AAROHI???"

Aarohi gave him a pointed look, "And the author is..."

"Mera." He growled. "I should have know that there was something wrong about her." He cursed.

Aarohi rolled her eyes, she had expected this kind of behavior and she was not disappointed by his reaction.

"You cannot take Jas away from me." Rohan repeated.

Aarohi raised an eyebrow.

"Unlike you, I refuse to let my child grow up without a mother. So you may stay with me until Jasmine is better than I expect you to find your own home." He held his glare equivalent with Aarohi.

"Rohan if I were you I would choose your words very carefully. Don't think that because you've spent two months with Jasmine that you've earned her love and respect because when she wakes up...She'll choose who she wishes to stay with." Aarohi replied back.

Rohan gripped the paper with more force producing a crippling sound, "I won't allow you to take her from me." He gritted as he left her in the waiting room to get food.

Aarohi sighed, she just couldn't understand what would prompt her daughter to find Rohan. Was she not a good enough mother that Jasmine felt that she needed her father? Not that Aarohi didn't blame her, she did leave her child with a nanny for about two months, only calling to check up on her.

The last thing she need was to have Rohan re-enter her life after ten years of no contact.

Jasmine's eyes fluttered open and she blinked momentarily forgetting where she was.


She looked to her right side and Rohan was there with her mother standing behind him.

This was no good, Jasmine was suppose to beat her mother home before she became back from India.

She tried to adjust herself but was stopped by her father, "Don't move. You know that you're in trouble, right?"

Jasmine nodded, her stare never leaving her mother's disappointed look.

"Papa? Mama?"

Aarohi blinked. That was one word that she never thought would come from her daughter's mouth.

"Yes Baba?" Rohan responded.

"I wanna go home."

"Don't worry baby as soon as the doctor says it's fine for you to leave we'll go home, okay sona?" Aarohi reached to give her daughter a kiss on her forehead. But on the corner of her eye, she could see Rohan tense up at the word 'home'.

Jasmine nodded and excited that for once in her life, her parents were together. Even though Jasmine had woken up, she yawned feeling tired once again closing her eyes.

In that moment, the doctor walked in and signal for both parents to come outside.

"Rohan. Aarohi." The doctor acknowledged.

"When will we be able to take our daughter home? Rohan said without missing a beat.

"We'll need to at least keep her overnight, if her condition improves then you may take her home tomorrow."

Aarohi exhaled in relief, "Thank you doctor."

"Jasmine is now sleeping but if other want to come and visit her," The doctor paused, "They need to hurry because visiting hours are over in a hour."

Both parents nodded as the doctor walked into Jasmine's room.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Rohan asked Aarohi. He was trying to be civil with her and hoped that he could change her mind about taking Jasmine.

"No thank you but I think we need to tell your girlfriend that Jasmine is doing fine." She said coldly pushing past him.

Rohan sighed. This Aarohi was killing him slowly with hatred.

"Aarohi beti, aap?" (Aarohi daughter, you?)

Aarohi turned around, she knew that voice from miles away.

"Aunty." She forced smiled. While Aarohi and Rohan's mother were on good terms, she didn't know how his mother would feel knowing that Aarohi was the mother of her grandchild.

Aarohi quickly went down to touch her feet but was caught midway into a hug instead, which shocked her.

But if aunty was there so was...uncle...crap.

Luckily for Aarohi, Rohan managed to walk into the room with Chinese food before his father had the chance to say anything.

"Im not taking no for an answer, you gonna have to eat something." Rohan said and Aarohi nodded, anything to avoid her father.

Why was his parents here? Last time she checked they weren't talking.  She had so many unanswered questions.

"I know you have unanswered questions. Have lunch with me and I'll explain everything and you tell me your side." Rohan said lowering his voice so that it was only them listening.

Aarohi rolled her eye but agreed.  Rohan grinned but knew that he had to find a way to convince Aarohi that he was apart of their daughter's life.

Before you all jump me I would just like to say that I told you that I was taking a break from Wattpad to concentrate on my studies, which is on my message board. Then I had to find a way to handle rejections that I received from colleges and let's say that it's been a pretty bad phrase so far in my life and I just needed to re-evaluate it. Now that you know why I've been away...any questions????

If not then here you gooo...

Thoughts on Mera?

Rohan and Aarohi, should they get back together or are they better off without one another?

P.S-Half Girlfriend is gonna kill me, Arjun and Shraddha have been my low key ship for such a long time and I finally get to see them together! I really can't wait, based off the trailer, the movie looks a lot better than the book itself.

Oh and the pic above is from twitter, all credits to that amazing person.

Love you all for your love and unwavering support for this book<3


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