03 || "Your what..."

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In case anyone is confuse the words are italicized are flash backs.

When Rohan was sure that Aarohi left the recording studio, he quickly snuck back.

Picking the guitar that he had since college, he played the same tunes that Shayana would go crazy over.

Pouring his heart on guitar, Rohan just barely missed the fact that Aarohi came into the room to retrieve her purse. It wasn't until she stepped on loose floorboard that grabbed Rohan's attention.

"Sorry." She apologized.

Rohan rolled his eyes. He honestly couldn't wait until that they were finish writing the song so that he wouldn't have to be in her presence.

"Look, Rohan I'm sorry, I know that we didn't really start off on right foot. Can we please start over?" She pouted as she held her hand out waiting for Rohan to respond.

"Aarohi Jaykar."

"Rohan Nanda." He smiled shaking her hand. It would have been easier if they just both could get past their differences.

"So Mr. Nanda that was a nice melody that you were playing." Aarohi claimed as she sat down next to him.

Rohan winced, "Don't call me that. That's my father's name." Aarohi rose an eyebrow but didn't push further, which Rohan was grateful for.

They sat in a comfortable silence while Rohan continued to play his guitar.

"Can I ask you something personal?" Rohan said breaking the silence.

Aarohi nodded.

"What made you like this?"

"Huh?" Confusion filled her face, "What do you mean?"

Rohan carefully arranged his words, not wanting to upset Aarohi, "I mean aren't you supposed to be closed off." He questioned with air quotations around closed off.

"I'm not following but if you mean that I'm more straightforward..."

"I mean you're so talkative for someone who lost their lover." Rohan blurted out without thinking, only to realize what he said, "Oh god, Aarohi I didn't mean it like that-"

"It's okay." She interrupted, "It's been two years since he passed and I know that I should mourn him, but it's hard to mourn someone who..." She trailed off, quickly wiping a tear that fell.

Rohan couldn't help but give her hug which he would have done with Shayana when she would come to him in situations like this.

Catching her off guard, Aarohi glanced up with her round hazel eyes at his touch, embracing it.

Rohan's POV.

After placing Jasmine in my bed, I didn't have the heart to call the police since she could actually be my child. My child. Wow never thought that those words would come out of my mouth.

Never would I have thought that Aarohi would ever come back into my life, yet she came in the form of our child.

Jasmine looked so much like Aarohi, especially her eyes.

However, my thoughts were disturbed by a knock. Glancing at Jasmine to make sure that she was okay, I left for the door.

Abhi's POV.

"So do you wanna explain to me why we're going to Rohan's this early?" I yawned as I followed Shayana into the elevator.

"Because he sounded scared and a bit angry." Shayana replied.

"Rohan and scared? Are you sure that it was Rohan who called you?"

"Abhi." She hits me on the shoulder, "Whatever he needs, let's just try to help him the best we can, okay?"

I sighed, "Next time we get Starbucks and then come over here."

Shayana shook her head as she knocked in the door. Without missing a beat, Rohan opened the door.

"Hey-" Shayana began but Rohan looked around the halls and quickly pulled both us into his flat, guiding us towards his bedroom.

"I need your help." Rohan said with his voice cracking as he pointed to a young girl that was sleeping in his bed.

Who was this girl and why did Rohan call us?

I glanced at Shayana, who for once in her life had an unreadable expression.

Closing the door, Rohan lead us into his kitchen, where Shayana bursted out with questions, "Who was that child, Ro? Omg don't tell me that you kidnapped a child? Is she hurt? How-"

"Stop, before you guys go on, there's something I need to tell you. He paused, "And you promise not to tell anyone until I get this under control?"

We both nodded.

"Bro just tell us already." I complained.

"Thatgirlclaimstobemydaughter." Rohan said nervously, not once making eye contact with either me or Shayana.

"Dheer se bhol." (Say it slower.) Shayana giggled.

"That girl is my daughter." Rohan said not looking us in the eyes.

I for one, was at lost for words. I mean Rohan, a father? C'mon you know something is wrong when you hear those words in a sentence.

"Wait karo, aap baap ho gaya?"(Wait a second, you're a father now?) Shayana stated but sounded like a question.

"But how?"

Rohan smirked, "Shayana see when two people who are-"

"Shut up Ro, I know how it happens but you haven't been..." She trailed off when suddenly her eyes widen, "How old is she?" Her voice turned harsh, implying that she knew something and did not approve.

Rohan looked down at his shoes as his ears turned a pinkish color, and that was enough for Shayana to storm into Rohan's room to where Jasmine was sleeping.

Ooohhh Shayana seems angry...why do you seem that is?
So Rohan has been in contact w/Abhi and Shayana...

Spoiler: Next chapter will reveal whats going on w/ Aarohi in the present.

Let me know what you think of this chapter? Thanks for reading:) Keep voting & commenting and I'll try my hardest to reply

Oh and you like the banner^ I believe that its my first time making one for this story..would you prefer them over pics nor nah?


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