18 || Plans made

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"Are you just going to keep staring at me?"

Aarohi snapped her fingers.

Rohan blinked, "Sorry. It's just been a while since..." He trailed off.

"Thank you for agreeing to stay here."

Aarohi nodded, "I'm only doing this for Jasmine." She looked around his flat.

The doctors had release Jasmine a hour from the hospital and Jasmine managed to convince both of her parent to go out for chicken pizza.

"Mama." Jasmine's voice called her out of her thought

"Look at the room that Papa made me."

Aarohi looked over to Rohan who blushed, but signalled her to follow Jasmine.

When she got to Jasmine's room, Aarohi was speechless. The whole room was a little shade of purple, Jasmine's favorite color. In the middle was a pink canopy bed with white drawers on the right side. Above the bed, there was posters of disney shows that Jasmine was a fan of. Then on the left side, Jasmine had her own bathroom.


Aarohi turned around, "You did all of this for her?" Her shock was evident.

Rohan chuckled, "My mother helped." He nervously scratched his neck.

"Isn't it the best mama?"

Aarohi nodded, "Yeah it is Sona."

"I have another guest room...If you want ugh you can stay." Rohan blurted out.

Jasmine smiled widely, "Why would you go somewhere else mama? Aren't you going to stay here?"

Aarohi glared at Rohan but her glare immediately soften as she spoke to Jasmine, "We have to go back to America soon baby. School is going to start soon."

Jasmine looked confused, "I thought-"

"We'll talk about this." Rohan said as he sweeped up Jasmine in his arms and gave Aarohi a pointed look, "Later."

"Now let's show mama her room." Rohan grinned.

Aarohi sighed as she followed the father daughter duo. She still had to find a way to get Jasmine to come back to America with her. Rohan seemed to attached to Jasmine which was an unexpected surprise for Aarohi, she thought he would have happily given Jasmine to her.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"I'll get it." Rohan said setting Jasmine down.

The moment he left, Aarohi began questioning Jasmine.

"Are you happy here baba?"

Jasmine slowly nodded.

Aarohi slowly took in a breath of air, "How about papa's girlfriend...does she treat you right?"

"Yes mama but she's annoying." To this Aarohi laughed.

"Would you be able to stay here without mama?"

Jasmine's eyebrows raised in confusion, "Mama you've been gone for a while and I've stayed with pa-"

"I mean you will only see me a few times a year but you'll stay with papa."

Jasmine's eyes filled with tears, "Mama you're not leaving." She ran into her mother's arms and began to sob, "Please don't go."

At that point Rohan walked back into the room.

"Abhi and Shayana are here and they-" He paused as he noticed his daughter crying.

"Jas. Baby." Rohan pulled her out of Aarohi embrace, "What's wrong?" Jasmine said nothing as she tried to calm herself in her father's arms.

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