21|| Pyar always wins

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I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the format of this, Idk why Wattpad is being like this

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I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the format of this, Idk why Wattpad is being like this. Anyways I hope you enjoy reading this chapter....so read now...


Rohan looked up to the call of his name, "Yes?"

"Ms. Meera has arrive."

Rohan grinned, "Well let her up."

Meera was going crazy. Rohan had left a message on her phone saying that he wanted to meet with her. She knew that he knew that she wrote that article.

"Ahh Meera just the person that I wanted to speak with." Rohan grinned, "Would you like anything to drink?"

"No thank you." Meera responded quickly, "Cut the bullshit Rohan...does this meeting have to do with the article that I wrote?"

To her surprise Rohan chuckled, "Getting down to the point. I like that."

Meera nervously reached for her hair to twirl, "Look I-"

"You know if it had been someone else I wouldn't have mind that much because reporting BS is their job..." Rohan looked up, "At least you had the guts to show up, I didn't think you would."

"Rohan I-" Meera tried again but was silenced when Rohan glare at her.

"Why would you write that article? I trusted you and your husband yet you turn around and back stab me." 

Meera broke, "I had no other opinion, Rohan! They were going to take away our lease for our studio....a-and I need a quick way to make money. I-I'm sorry Rohan I never meant to hurt you or Jasmine. Sodu has not idea that the article is published, I kept it away from him. Please don't let this ruin your friendship with him." She begged.

Rohan looked stunned at her confession.

"You needed money?"

She wiped her eyes, "Sodu and I have been having a difficult year. W-we we're actually I was pregnant and I got into a car accident and I-I lost my baby. The hospital ER bill racked up and and then we were-"

Rohan place his hand on her shoulder and then grabbed her into a hug, "I'm so sorry." He muttered as she continued to cry into his shoulder.

"I never meant to hurt you or Jasmine nor Aarohi." She repeated.

"I know you didn't mean to. You could have came to me, Meera. I thought we were friends." Rohan said, trying to brighten up the mood.


Rohan rolled his eyes playfully," What good are celebrity friends if you can't use their money." He joked, pulling out his check.

"I know that you don't want pity or sympathy but please let me help you."

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