Chapter 6: Winter Becomes Frightened

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Chapter 6: Winter Becomes Frightened

What if I found the edge of Earth? Would I jump?
-Winter Ozlin's Diary

"Babe," Austin said to me in between his kisses to my chest. We were in the treehouse out in the woods, the one Jace and I want to many years ago. "Where's your head at?" Austin rolled off me and corrected his hair. My elbows helped me up and I buttoned my blouse. My back hurt from lying on the hard wooden surface. It was never comfortable, no matter how many blankets were under me.

"Just thinking," I whispered and stared out the window. A robin flew by and perched itself on a branch opposite of the treehouse. It's red chest was puffed out as if it was mocking me. It was mocking me because I allowed Austin to kiss me there. The birds beak was tilted upwards. He was looking at the sky, yet his chest was reaching for me. "Go away," I murmured.

"What?" Austin said next to me. His lips reached down and pressed against my neck. I shifted away from him. "Babe what's wrongs? Ever since you've come back you haven't wanted to do anything." Austin sulked and banged himself against the wall. A poster of a band I didn't know was knocked down. Jace's brother must have put it up. It'd been a while since I saw Hunter. The last time I saw him was a family dinner we had right before we went to Briston Prep for middle school. He always watched over me like I was a little sister. Hunter was charming and handsome, but never a player. He was dating this one girl last I knew, Emily. She was sweet and smart, a sophomore while Hunter was a junior.

I shrugged, getting back into reality. "Not in the mood."

"Well when will you be in the mood?" Austin demanded and stared at me. His eyes were piercing into me. He tried to kiss me again and as he leaned in his rough hand slid up my thigh.

At the movement, I quickly pushed him away. "I don't know."

"That's not fair, Winter. That's not fair to me at all." Austin shook his head as he rose from his spot. "It's been a while since I've done anything, because you've been MIA." His dark fingers ran through his hair as he let out long breaths.

My eyes met his. "You did plenty while I was gone, because I'm sure Emma wasn't the only girl you slept with," I screamed at him. I stood up and put myself inches from his face. Sure, he was charming at some times, but at that moment he was infuriating me. This was the reason I didn't want to get back together with him, but that damn smile and smooth charisma always took control of me.

"You're right, she wasn't, because believe it or not people actually want to fuck me," Austin sneered back.

Without even thinking, I slapped him.

The sound echoed through the small treehouse. My hand stung, but I didn't care. Austin acted like a dick all the time, and it was about time I didn't something about it.

"I'm leaving, and don't you even think about following me," I snapped and jumped through the hole. My skirt flew up and quickly I pressed down on the soft fabric. My feet hit the ground with a crunch from the hard leaves. I glanced up and saw Austin staring down from the hole from me. "Stay!" I shouted and began away from the wooden house in the trees. My legs were cold from the stiff air.

I didn't get far when I heard the leaves behind me crunch. Quickly, I spun around ready to face Austin. I was ready to scream in his face and spit at him for doing exactly the opposite of what I said. Surprisingly, it wasn't Austin though that I saw behind me.

"Jace?" I whispered. A tear fell from my left eye, happy to see his face instead of Austin's. He wore his usual brown coat, which his hands were shoved into. His hair hung loosely over his eyes. I noticed that he wasn't wearing his school uniform, which was odd considering it was Monday at 12. He should've been at lunch. I didn't care though. He was here, and that made me happy.

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