Chapter 26: Winter's Recovery

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Chapter 26: Winter's Recovery

It wasn't everyday you started middle school. Well, it was if your name was Samantha Bachman, who was starting it for the second time. But for me, it was a first, and I had great determination to make it count.

Six grade was the grade. At least, that's what I presumed. It was the time of your life when friends changed and people changed (oh how high school would be a shock). I already knew that, of course, hence why I cut Jace out of my life the day before. My gut clenched whenever I thought of his sad eyes staring into mine before he slipped away. I should've said something. "I'm sorry," or just anything. But I was selfish, and I let my best friend go. I had never imagined I truly would have never spoken to him until junior year.

My first class was social studies. We had Mrs. Wlishe. She was supposedly the scariest teacher of all, but walking into the class she held the nicest smile. Jace sat in the front with his back held high. The uniform looked good on him. It fit him. He was the kind of kid that deserved to be at Brinston. He met my eyes immediately after my foot hit the floor. I didn't know what to do. I felt guilty for what I did, but I didn't think we parted on a good note. So when he waved hello with his carefree smile, I ducked down my head and aimed toward the back of the classroom.

"Avoiding people on the first day?" Someone laughed next to me as I slid into a seat. I looked up to see cute brown eyes and I couldn't help my heart from speeding up. I had never seen him around before, because I would definitely have remembered his perfectly blond hair. The boy leaned against his chair casually, his uniform untucked, and normally I would have found that to be unorganized but on him it was cute. "You must be a regular. I'm only a guppie." I raised my eyebrow at the reference to a fish. He laughed at my cluelessness."I'm a newbie."

"I know," I said far too quickly. "I mean, I've been going here since I was eight so I know who's new and who isn't," I babbled.

"Impressive," a girl in front of me said, who obviously was overhearing our entire conversation. "I wish I could tell apart those kids." The name on her backpack read Taylor. It seemed to be the kind of backpack everyone had.

I shrugged, not thinking too highly of it. "I think so too." The boy next to me tapped my foot with his and smiled. "My names Austin."

"Winter." I smiled, feeling my face flush.

"Like the season? Cool."

I nodded, trying to hide my ridiculous smile. Mrs. Wlishe called the attention of the class and everyone snapped to the front of the room. When my eyes guided themselves to the teacher, they caught sight of Jace staring back at me. Guilt echoed through me. But I kept reminding myself, it had to be done. I needed to be liked.

. . .

My eyes peeled open. It had felt like they had been closed forever. They were heavy to lift and I could feel the gook in them. The green ceiling I stared at spun, and I clutched my head trying to make it stop, but it didn't until I closed my eyes again. But still, I felt as if I was about to vomit. The green ceiling was familiar, and I realized once I closed my eyes that I was in the infirmary at Brinston. It had been years since I went there. It was when I broke my arm jumping down the bleachers while racing Emma. I remember laughing hysterically when it happened, but the laughter quickly turned to tears. Emma and Taylor then had to carry me to the nurse, of course Austin was also there to help. He was always there.

"Winter, are you up?" A voice asked, and I didn't recognize it at all, but I knew it was an older woman. Her voice was strained.


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