Chapter 15: Winter had Drama

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Chapter 15: Winter had Drama

It felt as if the world around us had stopped. God had blessed me with one minute stuck in time with Jace. My Jace. The Jace that I had grown up right next door too. His soft hands held onto mine as I reached onto my toes to steal more kisses. As our breathing slowed, he took a step back, but remained intertwined with me.

"What was that?" He asked with raised eyebrows and rosy cheeks. I smiled at his goldenness. The kiss, although it was much better than our sixth grade one, reminded me of that night. That was the last night I knew him as my Jace. Until now, I hadn't seen him, which proved bizarre because we were neighbors and our families were extremely close. I didn't even remember him at my parents' funeral, but I did remember his parents. They were always sour toward me, but acted so polite during dinners and gatherings that my parents threw on a weekly basis.

My teeth bit down on my red lip. "I've been waiting to do that ever since I broke up with Austin." My head leaned down and I tried to sneak in for another kiss, but he remained distance. His hands were stones in mine. "What?" I demanded.

"Does this have nothing to do with them?" He asked with a sudden shortness and nodded at Taylor and her minions behind me.

My back arched. I had forgotten they were behind me. I had forgotten about our fight. The coldness in me had turned warm once I reached Jace. Once our lips met, I had forgotten why I even decided to kiss him, but then was extremely happen that I made the decision.

"No," I insisted and squeezed his soft hand.

"Really?" He shook his head and let go of me. Taylor snickered behind me, but I ignored her like before. "I asked you to this dance to be supportive of your newly designed self."

"I know," I whispered and stepped toward him. "And I appreciate that, because no else is as accepting as you are." I shook my head. Nobody else understood me the way Jace did. Jace was mine, and I was his.

"I have been, because when I saw you at the funeral I saw the old Winter," he said, but then brought his voice lower, taking a step toward me. "I saw my best friend and my first love." I smiled at him. So he was at the funeral. "But the girl I just saw barge out of the bathroom was empty," he whispered under his breath so quietly I barely heard his words. But I did hear them, and I couldn't help but feel the truth behind them cutting into me.

"I don't understand," I said and tried to hold myself up, but my feet had begun to wobble. "You kissed me back."

Jace opened his mouth to explain himself, but then closed it and simply nodded. "I've been waiting for that kiss since I met you, but I didn't expect it from the Ice Queen herself." He backed up with soft eyes. Hurt filled them, but they were drowned more with pity and disappointment.

"I'm still the person I was at the beginning of the night," I told him and tugged at his sleeves. I finally felt good about myself, and now he was leaving me during the dance I didn't even want to attend. The dance that was in honor of me.

"If you really think that, than I'm truly sorry for you," he said softly and began to walk past me. He stopped next to me, though, and pressed his lips against my ear. My heart rate increased and I sucked in my breath. The hair on my body stood up and caught the cool air. "The girl who walked out of that bathroom was a monster, which I never thought I would see from an angel like you," he whispered, and my breath caught even more as he moved swiftly around me and left the room.

My heart immediately dropped, and my feet threatened to copy the activity, but I had to stay strong. After all, Taylor was watching.

"What a shame," she said from behind and clicked her tongue. She moved in front of me with her two girls. "But if the Winter I know is still here, I know she can do much better." Her snake like smile pierced into me.

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