Chapter 7: Winter Attends the Rafter

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Chapter 7: Winter Attends the Rafter

The Beast that fights within

Will always overflow with doubt.

The Beast that fights within

Will never ever shout.

The Beast that fights within

Will always find the way out.

- Winter Ozlin's Diary

. . .

Winter Ozlin was never the girl who hid in her bedroom to cry. Winter Ozlin always held her head proud and strutted everywhere. Winter Ozlin only thought cold things about others, not herself.

Why was I no longer that person?

Rolling out of bed with a long exhale, I checked my phone. Marie had texted saying she heard I called Carl. She said not to worry, but that was the problem. Recently, I couldn't stop worrying. Carl and Maria were the only ones who knew. If Carl spoke, then life at Briston Prep would be over. Goodbye boarding school; Hello public.

I shuddered. I had changed a lot over the past year, but one thing that never changed was my view on public school, or public anything for that matter. Public wasn't in my vocabulary, no matter what Winter Ozlin remained in me.

Knock knock knock

"Rise and shine! Another day up is another day learning!" A voice chimed outside my room, which I immediately identified as Penelope. I mean Penny. Ugh.

My door flew up as I stood hunched over.

"Hi Penny," I yawned with watery eyes.

"You aren't dressed yet!" Penny observed, scanning me up and down. Without asking, she bombarded into my room and threw open my tiny closet. She pulled out the uniformed black skirt and white collared shirt along with a emerald green sweater. "Here," she declared and shoved me into the bathroom with my clothes. It was an issued uniform, but why would I wear it? It was Saturday.

This was all bizarre. Penny and I had only declared our friendship a few days ago, and now here she was in my room picking out my clothes. I hadn't really talked to her either since we were in the library. My head had been so wrapped around Austin and the idea of Taylor talking to Carl.

Before stepping back outside, I brushed my teeth and finished with a fresh coat of red lips. Slowly, I creaked the door open.

"You are such a sloth!" Penny cried and took hold of my wrist. Holding my wrist firmly, she guided me out the room and down the hall.

"Penny, it's Saturday! Where could we possibly be going? Why am I in my uniform? I could be wearing jeans for once," I sulked in her grip.

"Hush Winny."

"Winter," I corrected, making sure that nickname did not stick.

As we hustled down the stairs, a figured approached. "So glad to see you awake," Jace suddenly said to my right. He walked just as quickly as Penny was dragging me. He smiled at me.

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