Chapter 36: Winter Aches

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Chapter 36: Winter Aches

I kill myself too.
-Winter Ozlin's

Carl shoved me against the counter. He kept on screaming and shouting for me to fix it, but I was frozen in fear. Something like this was exactly what I was afraid of. I knew that I would break Jace one day, but I thought that we finally pushed through that. I thought we were okay, but apparently I was wrong. Still, I was hurting him, even when I wasn't near him.

"FIX THIS WINTER!" Carl shouted. His face was flaming. I worried he would pass out, but I had to focus on Jace.

Footsteps pounded in the hallway. Carl screamed too loudly, someone was coming to see what was wrong.

Within seconds, Mrs. Calver practically fell into the bathroom. She clutched her pearls and gasped at the scene. Carl reached out for her arm, afraid she might fall. 

"My baby!" She cried, kneeling down beside him.

I bent down with her and tried to hold her hands. She was shaking too much. Her breathing was short. Everyone was in shock.

"What did you do to my baby boy?" She cried to me, staring me down with her pale blue eyes.

"I didn't- I don't know," I stuttered.

Carl was the only one reacting now. He pushed me aside and rolled over Jace's body. His cheeks were white and his eyes were closed. It was a heartbreaking scene. His light pink lips were cracked, and I noticed how disheveled his hair was. Next to him, both pale hands had a small gash across his palms. Relief rushed over me.

He didn't cut his wrists. It was only his palms.

"He'll be okay," I whispered, finally speaking up.

"How do you know?" Mrs. Calver gasped, pressing her hands against her son's. "Call an ambulance! Somebody please!" Her cheeks were wet with tears, and spit flew as she screamed.

"I can't." I shook my head, standing once again. "I can't," I repeated, and took off down the hall.

Jace would be okay.

I ran down the steps of the mansion and pushed through people. They all gathered at the base of the stairs, murmuring and shifting eyes. My body collided with others as I ran for the door. Carl was on the phone with 911 when I left the crowded bathroom. 

"What happened to my son?" Mr. Claver shouted after me. 

I ignored him, too filled with fear to respond to any of the chattering. 

Marie caught me at the door. "Winter," she hissed, clutching on to my forearm. "What the hell happened?" Her eyes were dark with anger, and her pristine smile was now thinned out. 

"It's Jace!" I cried, falling into her arms. Marie's frozen body relaxed at my actions. Her arms folded around me and her fingers began to file through my hair. "Jace purposely hurt himself," I whispered to her, hoping nobody else overheard. 

Marie pulled back, narrowing her eyes. "Winter what do you-" She shook her head and opened the front door, dragging me with her through it. The door closed behind her and Marie stood in front of it with her angry eyes again. "Did Jason try to kill himself?" 

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