Chapter 2

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Steve's POV

        As I hugged Keegan I I felt this feeling I never felt before. No words can even describe it. The thought of having a daughter just gives me butterflies. How hard could it be to raise a teenage girl? Oh gosh? This is going to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride. How much could Keegan need? I mean besides the fact food, water, a place to sleep and she might need a lot.

     "So how about we go get lunch or something," I said. Oh thank goodness . I haven't eaten since I woke up this morning. I smiled at Keegan's excitement about going to get food. "I'll grab your bags." Uh thanks---. Just call me Steve until you feel comfortable about calling me dad. Ok. I grabbed Keegan's bags as she walked towards the door. "We just got a lead on the case," Danno said. I'm busy. Oh right you have a child now. I always had a child I just didn't know about her until today. Well welcome to parenthood and hopefully she puts you through the ringer. You know what I'm going to kick your----. "Children ears," Keegan said sarcastically while covering her ears. I smiled as we walked through the glass double doors and to the elevators.

    I pushed the down button and waited. Keegan had her face buried in her phone, so I dared not to disturb her but I want to get to know her. I'd rather save the conversation for lunch. Keegan resembled her mother a lot. Keegan had brown hair with a few light brown streaks here and there. She had my hazel eyes. Keegan seemed like a laid back person based off what she's wearing. She wore gray sweat pants and a white shirt with this teal hoodie. Keegan smiled at her phone which made me smile. "Look," she said giving me her phone. I looked at the screen. It was a picture that said: "When life gives you lemons you..... Throw them at people." I gave Keegan her phone back as we stepped on to the elevator. When we reached the first floor Keegan and I went outside to my truck. I placed her bags in the back seat as she got in the front seat. I shut the back door and got into the drivers seat. I put the key in the ignition and started the car. As I back out Keegan started to pretend as if she was playing the drums. I smiled knowing she's not afraid to be herself. While we were driving I couldn't take the silence do I took Keegan's headphones off her head.

    "You do not touch my headphones when listening to Jake Miller," she said aggressively. How do you feel about seafood? I like it. Ok we're going to Kamekona's for lunch. Doesn't he own like a shrimp truck? Yeah how'd you know? I drove past it on the way to your office. Oh. Is there any thing you don't eat? I'm kinda a vegan but I eat chicken and seafood. Favorite food? Chicken tacos with a little bit of quesadilla sauce. I would say my favorite food has to be spicy Indian. Ooh that's a good one. I smiled as I killed the engine. Keegan left her phone in the car as she jumped out. "You're not going to bring that," I asked? Nah I don't touch my phone when I'm eating unless I'm alone. Oh. We walked over to Kamekona's food truck. "Hey Steve," he said. What's up? What can I get for you and the little lady? Garlic Shrimp please, Keegan said. Sure thing. Make that two, I added. I went in my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. I placed twenty in the thing as Keegan went to find a table.  "Who's she," Kamekona asked? My daughter and can I get two coconut waters? You have a daughter? Yeah she's from the main land. Congratulations man. Thanks.

      I grabbed our food and drinks then went to sit with Keegan. The way her face lit up when she saw that I was walking with the food. Keegan reminds me of myself when I was around her age. It takes the little things that makes her face just light up and I already loved that about her. While we were eating I wondered why Melanie decided to send Keegan to me after almost seventeen years.

     "So did your mom tell you why she was sending you to live with me," I asked? Keegan took a sip of her water than wiped her mouth. All she said was that she didn't want me to get in the middle of this thing she's taking care of. Did she tell you what it might be? No but she did say she wants me to be protected if anything was to happen.. Did she ever seem not like herself. What's this a interrogation? Uh no. I just want to know why she sent you to live with me after all these years. Well maybe it's a good thing. I always wanted a dad and now I got one. You've always had one. I know but I didn't know about you until a week ago. Well it better than a few hours ago. Keegan smiled then took another bit of her food.

       The rest of lunch was kind of silent. My phone was ringing like crazy but I ignored it. There's so much I want to know about my daughter. I know her favorite food and she like Jake Miller but there's so much more to her I don't know. I don't expect her to open up as easily since we just met a few hours ago. After lunch Keegan and I went back to the truck and went to my house. I unlocked the front door and placed Keegan's bags near the steps. She seemed amazed by the house which made me happy.  Keegan's walked into the kitchen then came back to the living room where I was standing. There were no words to express the look on her face.

    I smiled as placed my arm around Keegan's shoulders pulling her close. "I think I'm gonna like to here," she said. Me too.


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