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Steve's POV

       I groaned as I started regain consciousness. The brightness from the sun hurt my eyes. I looked around and remembered I went hiking. Once I baca,e more aware of my surroundings I realized I was close to edge. "Steve," Danno said. I pulled myself from the edge with the help from Keegan. "Are you ok,"she asked? My arm might be broken. Keegan rested my back against a rock as Danny tossed her the pack that had food and water in it. "I'm going to see if I can get a signal and call for help," Danno said. Alright. I created a splint for my arm then pulled out my knife. I inched over to the body and examined it. I poked around where the bullet entered only to discover fish scales. I couldn't tell if it was a through and through but I can say this guy was up here for a few days.

       I glanced back at Keegan who looked a little lifeless. "Keegan," I said. Huh? Are you ok? I'm fine. Are you sure? I said I'm fine. Her eyes slowly closed and her head turned the other direction. I inched towards her lightly nudging her. "Hmm," she groaned. Look at me. Keegan slowly moved her head and opened her eyes. "How many fingers am I holding up?" I put up two fingers. "Two." What's your address? 2707 pokii street. Do you feel drowsy? No it's hard to breath. Do you have a history of asthma. I don't know. Has this ever happened before. A--few but-- not this long. I put my ear close to Keegan so I can listen to her breathing. It wasn't steady and it sounded like she was gasping for air. "Help is twenty minutes out," Danno said. I looked up. Ok. Is she alright? She's gasping for air. What happened? I don't know. Well air support isn't far. I grabbed Keegan's hand. "You're going to be ok," I thought.

       When air support arrived they took Keegan then me then the body. On the way to the hospital Keegan became unresponsive. Oh crap! What's happening? Paramedics surrounded her. "What's happening," I asked. Everyone ignored me. "Hello." Sir we're trying the best that we can do. When we arrived at the hospital Keegan was rushed to surgery as I got my arm placed in a cast. I wondered the hospital halls until I found Danno. "Hey," he said. How's she? Umm appendix ruptured luckily they caught it in time. I let out a sigh of relief. I sat down as my phone rung. "Hello," I said. Hey boss we got an ID on our John Doe. Uh text the information to Danny. Everything alright you sound upset. It's been a long day Kono. I'll call you if anything pops up. Call Danny. Alright. I hung up as Dr. Lucas walked over to me. "Hey Commander McGarrett," he said. I shook his hand. "Hey." Umm Keegan's surgery went well. Her appendix ruptured but we caught it before it could get worst. Keegan was also extremely dehydrated and has a sprained ankle.and she has asthma. Is she out of surgery? As a matter of fact she just woke up but she might be a little loopy from the medication. Ok. She's right down this hall and to the left. It's the first door you'll see. Alright.

      I walked into Keegan's room to see her laughing at the tv. "Hey princess," I said. Steve! How you feeling? My stomach hurts. You just had surgery. Keegan frowned her face and started to cry. "Why are you crying," I asked. I had surgery. You needed it. She covered her face. I just sat with Keegan laughing with her. Around 1:30pm I fell asleep. When I woke up Keegan was still sleeping so I decided to go home and gather a few of her things.. There was a package for me and a package for Keegan. Those must be her school books.  I took the packages inside then went to gather some of Keegan's things. I packed her laptop, phone, headphones, book, glasses and anything else she needed. As I walked down the steps I noticed that I have received two anonymous packages and I have yet to open them but I did open Keegan's package only to find her books which I took back to the hospital with me. It seems like a lot but trust me she'll need this stuff. When I got to Keegan's room so was flipping through the channels. I watched as she cut it over glanced toward the door at me. "Hi," she said. Do you feel better? I'm in pain and then doctor said I need to walk but how am I going to walk with crutches. I'll help you. I hate hospitals. Why? I don't like feeling useless. I can't complain about that. I bought a few of your things from the house. Did my books come? Yeah. Finally.

     I smiled as I gave Keegan her laptop and her school books but there was only one problem. Keegan looked at me. "I know I know," I said. What? I forgot your notebooks and something to write with. Yeah. I'll have Danny get them on his way here. Thanks. I'm hungry. Me too. Can you not leave again? Fine. I sat down in the chair next to Keegan's bed as Danny texted me.

Danny Williams: on my way to the hospital..
Me: can you stop at the house and get Keegan's book bag?
Danny Williams: sure

      I put my phone in my pocket as Lou, Kono and ChinHo walked in. "Hey," Kono said. Hey. She looks just like you. I looked back at Keegan who had her headphones on. I smiled then turned around. "She's amazing," I said. Can we meet her, Chin asked? Yeah. I walked over to Keegan. I was about to remove her headphones but I remembered what happened last time I did that. She yelled at me but that didn't stop me. "Oh my gosh," she said. I'm sorry but there's people who want to meet you. Keegan glanced over at Chin, Kono and Lou. "Hi," she said. Hey. They each introduced them individually then Danny came on the room. "Danno," Keegan's said gracefully. I got your book bag and food. Thank you. Danny gave Keegan her things as I stepped out with the rest of the task force. Danny joined us.

     "What's the lead on the case," I asked? Umm the slug we found on the cliff came from a 29 caliber that's registered to a Paul Hunter. We took him in to custody and his story checks out. He was with his wife and daughter the night our John Doe died. Umm Kono and Chin look deeper into that Danny and Lou go check in with Max and see if anything else turned up. Alright. I went back into the room and sat next to Keegan. She was focused on her work. I turned on the tv but Keegan cut it right back off. "Why," I asked? I'm doing school work. Sorry I'll watch the highlights somewhere else. Please don't leave. I won't. Keegan continued working.

      Another hour went by. I looked up from my phone to see Keegan tapping her pen on her book while scanning the computer screen. Her face lit up with excitement when she finally found the answer. Keegan has a personality only I understand because I see a lot of me in her. I hate sitting still and letting people do the work for me. She's stubborn as hell. I just think she's amazing and I love her.

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