Chapter 22

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Keegan's POV

            My flight back home finally landed. Isaac stayed behind in California just to be with Riley. Ryan unfortunately didn't make it. I received the news when my plane landed. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I wanted to grieve but I couldn't. I knew Ryan wouldn't want me to be sad he's gone. He would want me to tell people about all the fun we had together. All the obstacles we went through just to be together. I didn't tell Steve I was coming home because I wanted it to be a surprise. Austin told me that people were meeting at the palace and I have to dress a little formal. I caught a cab home.

     When I got there I paid the cab driver then walked up to the house I looked at the time to see it was 6:45pm and I had to be at the palace by 7:30pm before everyone left. I quickly hopped in the shower then blow dried my hair and curled it. I put on my pink dress and black heels. I didn't really apply much makeup. A little eyeliner and a nude lipstick. Once I was ready I walked to the palace. I didn't wrap my ankle. I'll regret my decision later. The palace is pretty far from where I live but you know it's all good. I could use the exercise. When I arrived there I bumped into Austin. He's wearing a suit and damn did he look good. I smiled as we threw our arms around each other. I missed Austin.

        "You walked," he asked? "Yeah." "I could've came and gotten you." "Austin I'm fine. I wanted to walk." "How's your friend?" I looked down as started to play with my fingers. "He didn't make it," I said. "I'm sorry to hear." "Thanks." I grabbed Austin's hand as I walked up to my father's office. I let go when I got to the glass door. I smiled as I watched him put on his suit jacket. I tapped on the glass as I pushed the door open. Steve turned around. His face lit up with excitement. I smiled as he hugged me. "I missed you so much," he said. "I missed you too." "How's your friend?" "He didn't make it." Steve hugged me tighter. "I'm sorry." "It's ok. He wouldn't want you to be sorry." Steve kissed my forehead as I turned around and signaled Austin to walk in the room. He walked in as I stood next to him. Steve smiled.

      I missed being here in Hawaii. Danno, Kono, Chin and Lou walked in the room. Another lady walked in and kissed my dad. I was confused. "Keegan this is Catherine," Steve said. I waved as Austin put his arm around my shoulders. I rested my head on him as I looked around the room and noticed we're all one big happy family. "So are we just going to stand here or are we going to have a good time," Lou asked? We all smiled as we left the room. Austin and I stayed separated from the adults as we walked to where ever we were going. We talked. We laughed. We flirted a little. Ok who am I kidding? We flirted a lot. We went to this hall. There were waiters and a bunch of fancy crap. Honestly I just want to be in bed watching a movie on my laptop.

    I sat with my father and Catherine. She made him happy. You could see it in his smile. The way he looks at her as if she's the only person in the room. Soft music played in the background as people got up and grabbed someone to dance with. Steve looked at me as he held out his hand. "I have two left feet," I said. "So do I princess." I took his hand as I stood up. He guided me to the dance floor. As we danced I rested my head on his shoulder. Steve knew I wasn't happy. Something serious was bothering me. Of course something was bothering me. My first love just died and I don't know how to handle it. I want to cry but I know Ryan wouldn't want me to cry. Steve kissed the top of my head.

        "What's wrong," he asked? "Nothing." "I know you're lying." I sighed. "How did you handle it when Catherine left?" "Honestly I didn't. I let her go but I knew she would come back." "What if you know this person isn't coming back." Steve looked at me. "You're friend?" "Can I go home?" Steve shook his head yes. He gave me the keys. As I walked towards the exit I bumped into Austin. "Where are you going," he asked? "Home." "I can take you." I smiled. "It's fine. I want to be alone." Austin kissed my cheek. "Thanks," I said. I left the event. When I got home I went to unlock the door but I stopped. I took the keys out the lock and turned around to look at the moon. The night sky was clear. As I sat down Austin walked over and sat next to me. He wrapped his jacket around me. "What's going on," he asked? "Honestly I don't know. My first love just died and I don't know how to deal with it. My emotions are all over the place and I don't how to express them. I feel like I want to cry but I can't. Austin what am I going to do?" He grabbed my hand and held it as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I felt safe from the world. I felt as if nothing mattered. "When time comes everything you're feeling will be released, he said. I don't know when but when it does happen I'll be there. I will always be there for you no matter what." I smiled.

       Everything will be alright. Life will make sense again. I will be with some who cares about me as much as Ryan did. That person is starting to look like Austin more and more every day. I'm starting to fall for him more and more everyday. He means a lot to me. I would be lost without him. A yawn escaped my mouth. Austin smiled. "Let's get you inside," he said. Austin stood up then helped me up. "Thanks," I said. "No problem but may ask what for?" "Being there when I need a shoulder to cry on even though I haven't cried much but thanks for just being there for me when I need you most." "Well what are friends for?" "Right friends." You know that feeling when you know you've just been friend zoned. When your heart drops to the pit of your stomach and your throat tightens. Yep that's how I'm feeling. "Goodnight Austin," I said softly. "Goodnight Keegan."

     I unlocked the door then went inside. I tossed my keys in the floor as I kicked off my heels. I brushed them to the side. I took off Austin's jacket. Wait Austin's jacket! I still have on his jacket. I opened the door to see Austin pacing the porch. We both opened our mouths to speak at the same time. "You first," he said. "Your jacket." "Thanks." "Why are you pacing the porch?"  "I need to tell you something but you just lost your first love and I don't want to throw it on you. You already have so much to deal with. I mean you haven't even cried over your first love." "Austin." He continued to rant about so much. I called his name again. "Austin." He still continued to rant. "Austin!" My voice escalated a little bit. He stopped and looked at me. I couldn't help but smile at how dumb founded he looked. "Get to the point," I said softly. "The point right." Austin stood in front of me and scratched the back of his head. "Austin get to the point I'm cold," I said. "Nobody told you wear a dress." I laughed at his sarcasm. "Austin," I whispered. "Ok ok the point but I'm so nervous."

      Austin leaned against the doorframe. I placed my hand on his the back of his neck. "Get to the point," I said. Austin looked up at me. "I like you. I like you a lot. I mean from when I first saw you." "I was in the hospital when you first saw me." "I don't care about the circumstances Keegan." I smiled. I knew where Austin was going with this conversation but I'm waiting for him to say it. While I was waiting for Austin to tell me he likes me he did the complete opposite. He placed his hands on my cheeks as he crashed his lips into mine. I froze as he pulled away. "I should go," he said. I shook my head clearing my thoughts. Austin's lips were soft. They were warm and inviting. "Goodnight Austin," Steve and Danno said. We both looked back at them. I couldn't help but smile. Did they see him kiss me? "Say goodnight to Keegan." "Goodnight," he said. I smiled. "Goodnight."

Austin walked off the porch as I turned around and walked in the house. Steve and Danno followed shutting the door. I never gave Austin his jacket back. "So are we going to talk about what happened out there," Steve asked? "What happened?" "He kissed you." "Goodnight dad and Danno." "Goodnight princess." I hugged them both then went upstairs. I placed Austin's jacket on my bed and changed out of the dress and into a pair of shorts and Austin's lacrosse hoodie he left at my house. I pulled my hair up and put on my glasses. I walked over to my suitcase and unpacked. When I finished I went downstairs. Steve and Danno were on the couch talking. I ignored them but I did realize Catherine wasn't with them. I went in the kitchen and grabbed water bottle then went upstairs. I took off my glasses and placed them on my desk then laid down. I cut off the light and went to sleep

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