Chapter 11

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Steve POV

        While Keegan was upstairs I got a call from Nathan. I met Nathan round the same time met Cameron. I was running with Danny's daughter Grace and she pointed the car my father and I were working on before he was killed. Coming to find out Nathan broke into my garage and hot wired the car. I was pissed but once I learned about his past I couldn't stay mad. He was a kid on the streets no mother and father is in jail so I kinda took him in under my wing. He's like my son just like Cameron. Except I spent more time with Nate than Cam.

      "Hey Nate," I said. Hey are you home? Yeah what's up? Umm nothing I just need someone to talk to. Is everything ok? I guess but something but I received some papers from court. About what? My father just got out of jail and he wants custody. Nate you just turned seventeen you're still a minor according to the courts. Can I came over and speak with you? Are you at work? Yeah. Kamekona know what's going on and he said my bad attitude is bad for business. See you soon. Ok. I hung up and placed my phone on the table.

     I went into the garage and started working on the car. Nate and I fixed all the big problems. I was fixing the little issues. I opened the hood and grabbed my tool box. I cut on the radio and started working. While I was working one of Jake Miller's songs came on. It wasn't bad I like it. I see why Keegan likes his music. Speaking of Keegan. "I love this song," she said. I looked at her and smiled as she started singing.

"Yeah we the word up on the street they talk talk talk 'bout you and me."
"Let start some rumors yeah rumors."
"No I don't know where they came from but I'm always down to make some rumors, yeah rumors."
"They saw me sneaking out your crib last night 3am to catch a flight."
"Caught me driving through you neighborhood."
"Paparazzi got me good."
"We like stars, yeah baby they astronomers, look at ever body camping out with they're binoculars."
"All up in the headlines me and the wifey but let them gossip girl late lively."
"I don't know where they getting their news but I'm not made of tonight it comes true."
"Who wanna started some rumors, I wanna start some rumors with you (with you) with you."
"I wanna start some rumors with you."

       Keegan's mobility was limited so she sat in the chair and started to wave her hands and shake her head causing hair to go everywhere. I shook my head and continued working. "Hey Steve." I looked back to see Nathan. "Hey," I said. I wiped my hands on a rag. "Nate this is my daughter Keegan." They both waved as Keegan got up and went inside.

     Nathan was staying with me up until last year when he started attending the boarding school not too far from where I live. To make a long story short his father just got out of jail and wants custody of him but Nate feels as if he's old enough to make his own choices and if perfectly fine where he's at. I understand where he's coming from. "Steve,"Nathan said. Everything is ok. Will you come to court with me? I'm here every step of the way.

      I gave Nathan a hug. "Hungry," I asked? Starving, I haven't eaten all day. I told you that's not good. I know but I have a lot to think about. Go inside and order Chinese while I'm in the shower. Ok. Nate went inside as I shut the hood of the car and cleaned up my mess. I shut off the light then went to shower. When I got out I just threw on some sweats and a work out shirt. I went downstairs to see Nathan and Keegan arguing over something. I didn't honestly care so I just grabbed a egg roll and flipped through the channels.

    "Nathan," I said. Huh? Be nice. I am but you should tell your daughter that Nakona is a legend. "I know that," Keegan said harshly. So why are you routing for Haynes? I'm not routing for him I'm just saying that this might be a close match. I'm done arguing with you. Keegan turned her back and looked at me. "I'm going to get some air," she said. Would you like your crutches? I'm fine. I watched as Keegan limped her way out on to the front porch.

    "She's just like you, Nate said. So I've been told. Well I'll treat her like my sister. Well guess wh-----. Keegan screamed. I jumped up and rushed outside. "Keegan," I shouted! I ran to the end of the drive our walk way to see her being shoved into a truck. "Steve," she cried! I rushed over to the car as it pulled off. I rushed back inside and called Danno. "Hey, how's Keegan," he asked. I need you to run a license plate number. Steve what's going on? My daughter is gone. What? She's missing Danno come on! Ok ok what's the plate number. Alpha bravo 209 foxtrot tango. I sending it to the Palace for Chin to run through the database. I hung up and grabbed my keys. "Where's Keegan," Nate asked I don't know. I grabbed my keys. "Stay here in case she comes back," I said.

     I went out and got in my car. My head is completely spinning. My daughter is missing and I have no possible clue. While I was sitting in my car I remembered the three packages I received a while back. I jumped out the car and went to get them then went to Palace. "I have a hit on those tags," Chin said. Ok who are they registered to? Some guy named Paul Fisher. He reported it missing this morning. Ok out an APB out on that vehicle and an amber alert on Keegan. Ok. I walked into Kono's office. "I received these but I never opened them," I said. Do you know where they came from? No. Umm ok let's open them. Danno walked in as I gave him a package. "Open it." Well then ok. We all took a package and opened it. Each one had photos of Keegan starting from when she arrived here on the island. "What the hell," I said.

     While I was going through the photos from my package I came across a not that said: "We have unfinished business. Here's the price you'll pay."  I knew it was Wo Fat. Last time I saw him he was near a helicopter when it exploded. I walked out the office as the my phone rung. "McGarrett," I said. I'm scared? Princess? Dad I'm scared. I put the phone on speaker then placed it on the computer so Chin can trace it. "Keegan are you hurt," I asked? My stitches ripped open. I'm coming to get you. "I'm not quite sure about that," Wo Fat said. You have four hours Michael Noshimuri from prison. I will call you when time is up. Wo Fat hung up.

     "Couldn't get a signal," Chin said. Danno lets go. Where are we going? To get Michael Noshimuri. So we're going to get a criminal out of prison. Yes and we'll come back here and discuss a plan. I grabbed the keys to Danno's car and walked out.

     I'm going to do every thing it possibly takes to get my little girl back, even if that means risking my job in the process. I made a promise that I'm willing to keep.

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