Chapter 15

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A/N: This is how I imagined the characters. What do you think of them and how they look?
Keegan's POV

          Cameron said he likes me. I don't know how to handle this. Oh I could be like the girls in movies and say "Hey I like you too", but I'm not that bold. Maybe I'm just over thinking this whole situation. I turned away from my brothers and closed my eyes. I jus need to sleep and wake up with a clear head.

      While I was sleeping I heard a little noise going on in the room but I didn't honestly care knowing it was Steve. I ignored it and continued to sleep but that didn't last long. "Keegan," Isaac said. "Leave me alone." "Look." I opened my eyes and looked at Isaac. "You woke me up just to look at you," I said. Isaac pointed behind me. I turned around to see Steve and a few other people I knew. There were balloons  and streamer. For a moment I was confused until Danny walked in the room with more balloons that said happy birthday. It's my birthday. With so much going on I forgot my own birthday. "Thanks," I said. "You deserve it." Kono, ChinHo and Lou walked in the room. "I heard it's someone's birthday," Kono said. I smiled.

     We spent the day celebrating my birthday. Everyone was happy except me. I felt like crap. Who wants to spend their seventeenth birthday in a hospital. A normal seventeen year old would be partying as for me I just want to go home but I'm stuck here for another week. I let out a sigh as I focused on my school work but that was hard to do.

    "Dad," I said. "Yes." Have my tutor called yet?" My father took his phone out his pocket. I knew he forgot but didn't want to tell me. He went out in the hall and made a few calls then came back in. "He's on the way here. He just got out of school," dad said. "He?" "Yes he." I sigh again. How many guys do I need in my life. I need this one to pass. I need some female friends. Kono is always working and Misty went to the mainland to live with her aunt and uncle. Here's the scoop on my friends: Zach can't settle down with one girl (even if that means just getting to know her) so bounces from girl to girl as if they're his little toys. Misty liked Zach but he just wanted to break her heart like he does the rest of the girls and so she couldn't handle the pain she went back to the mainland. Cameron... Cameron texted me saying he likes me and I responded with "Umm ok" and he's been avoiding me ever since then, so I don't know if we're still friends or not. Nathan is amazing. He reminds me so much of Isaac. He's Isaac's best friend ever since they met. Isaac and Nate have a bromance that's unbreakable and both are very over protective like normal older brothers. I love them even though they drive me crazy.

      Steve's POV

   I can tell Keegan is having a terrible time.. She just wants to go home and I totally understand that. Her brothers Nathan and Isaac keep making her smile but it slowly fades away after a while and it sucks. She's been through so much and she deserves to be happy especially on her birthday. I went out in the hall way followed by Danny.

    "I don't know if I should show you this now but I'm going to do it anyways," he said nervously. He went in his pocket and pulled out a note. "What's this," I asked. I was confused. "We found in Melanie's place. I should've told you sooner but here." I took the paper. "Are you saying she was living here?" "Yes with Wo Fat. They've been watching you and Keegan since she arrived on the island. Melanie did for the money Steve but everything you need to know is in this letter." I unfolded the paper as Danno walked down the hall to get coffee. He drinks a lot of that stuff. I chuckled to myself.

         Dear Steve,
   I'm sorry for all the things I've done in the past. I can't make for them but I can try to make them right. I'm going to first start of by saying I'm sorry for keeping your children away with you but you need to understand why I did it. You had a lot going for you. When I was pregnant with Isaac I went to the mainland so he could be born. I put him up for adoption and came back to be with you. Three years later you made up your mind and decided you were going into the navy after graduation. That's also when I found about about Keegan. I went back to the mainland so my children could be together but it wasn't easy getting Isaac back. His adoptive parents were always gone so he was home with his grandmother but when she died they gave him back then Keegan was born. I kept them away from each other because of my relations with Wo Fat. He tried using our little girl against me once but successfully failed. Isaac's car accident was because of Him. I know I screwed up and you might never forgive me but that's why I'm writing this to give you some clearance. I did this because I needed the money Wo Fat paid me $1.2 million to get Keegan and use her against you. I want to make things right. There's a bank account in Keegan's name it had a little over $10,000 in it. That's should cover all of her expenses. As for Isaac he's already tapped in to his account so I don't know how much he has in there. I'm sorry for all the pain that I've caused. Thank you for giving me the two most important things in my life. Spend time with you children and let them know how much you care because that's something I never really did. -Melanie.

        I felt my blood starting to boil. I balled up the paper and trashed but then quickly realized I need to talk to Isaac. Why did she keep my children away from me for so long! I was sitting in a room with my son for about two weeks and didn't even know it! What am I going to do? I don't want to let Keegan know because she's been through so much and so had Isaac. Danno came back. "What am I suppose to do," I asked angrily. "Tell them."I can't. Not now." "Steve sooner is better than later." "What about Wo Fat?" "He's disappeared Steve." I scratched the back of my neck as this kid walked over to us. "Hello I'm Keegan's tutor Austin," he said. "Uh hey I'm her father Steve." I gave Danny a look telling him to hold on as I took Austin in to Keegan. Her face lit up with excitement and so did Austin's. I was confused but I wasn't gonna say anything. They both smiled at each other as he sat down in the chair next to her. I went back into the hallway with Danny.

      We both looked through the window watching Keegan and Austin. "I don't like how friendly he's being," I said. "Agreed but maybe they know each other." "They just met." "Maybe they met on the mainland doofus." I looked over at Isaac who was talking to Nathan. "So when you gonna tell Isaac," Danno asked? "Tonight when everyone is gone." "Good idea." I didn't want to talk about it anymore so I switched the subject to Danny and his family. "How Rachel and the kids," I asked? "Good Charlie has surgery next week, so I'm going to out for a couple of days." "Good luck bud." "Thanks."

        Later on in the day everyone left except Austin, Isaac and Nate. I sat in the room just thinking about a lot of things. Keegan and Austin seemed to get a lot of work done which is good. Isaac and Nate watched what ever was on the tv as I sat back thinking. How am I going to tell him? Will that change the way he at his mother? So many questions that don't have answers and I don't know if I'll be able to answer them myself. I let out a sigh as I laid back trying not to think about what's had yet to come.

What do you guys think of Austin so far??
Sorry this took a while I just didn't know how wanted to go but it turned out pretty awesome.. Oh and thank you guys so much for 1K I can't believe it! I love you guys sooo much 😘😘😘😘😘
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