Chapter 4

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Steve's POV

           After spending a few days in the hospital I was finally able to go home with my baby girl. Keegan is such a ray of sunshine and I'm glad I met her when I did. It's been a week since she's been here. I had a few hours to myself since Danno decided to help get Keegan enrolled in school. I guess I'll  keep her homeschooled but the decision is completely Keegan's. She's at the point in life where she can make her own decisions. I don't want to seem over protective but I feel if she's homeschooled nothing can go wrong. All of her classes would be online and once a week someone would come over and help her with her work. As soon as I sat on he couch Keegan and Danno came bursting through the door.

    "Hi Steve," Keegan said. How was the day with Danny? Danny is so much fun and very sarcastic but I already knew that. That's good but did you get enrolled in school. Yup I'm homeschooled and my classes are online. You sound happy. I am. Back in California I would have a person come to our house and teach me as if I was in class. "Did you know your daughter has very sarcastic tone," Danno said. Uh no why? She's was making so many sarcastic comments about my tie. Well you do live in Hawaii and if you're not a business man why do you have on a tie. "Business men don't even wear ties," Keegan laughed as she walked into the kitchen.

     Danno sat next to me and sighed. I laughed. "How you doing," he asked? Uh I'm getting better but I hate feeling useless. Well maybe if you took care of your body we wouldn't have this issue. Shut up. Well you have a kid now and you have to make sure you're ok because she only has you. I know that Danno. You don't because I wouldn't be telling you if you did. I ran my fingers through my hair. "Steve you have to think about Keegan," Danno said. It might've been a week but she really cares about you. I are about her too Danno. Don't get me wrong but I don't think I can do this. What are you talking about? I can't do this. Do what be a single father. Danno smacked my in the back of my head. "What the heck is wrong with you?" You can do this. If you can join the navy and overcome your father's death then you can raise a teenage girl. It's not like you're doing this alone. You have me. My daughter might not be sixteen about to turn seventeen but stop doubting yourself. I'm hungry. I climbed off the couch and slowly walked to the kitchen.

       I noticed Keegan outside. She was sitting on the tire swing watching the sunset while eating a bowl of grapes. I smiled. I just stared at her. I loved seeing her zoned out in her own little world. While I was watching Keegan, she threw her phone in the water and got off the tire swing. Tears were flowing from her eyes. I automatically went outside to make sure she was ok but she was way to hurt to notice me. I just hugged her but she pushed away hurting where I just had surgery done so I kind of clutched my stomach as Danno ran outside. He went over to Keegan and just held her despite the fact she was fighting him. "You're ok," Danno said. Keegan dropped to her knees as Danno looked at me making sure I was okay. I nodded. The sound off Keegan sobbing just broke my heart into a million pieces. Danno kept asking what was wrong but Keegan wasn't responding. We both stayed outside comforting her until she calmed down. Once Keegan was calm she went up to get ready for bed.

    "What's happened," Danno asked? I don't know she threw her phone into the ocean and burst into tears. Wow. Danny it broke my heart to see her like that. Are you ok? I'm fine. How hard did she push off of you? Uh I think she busted a couple stitches but it's not nothing I can't fix myself. You're so stubborn. What I do now? Go to the hospital. I didn't have a hospital in the middle of nowhere when I got shot while I was in the navy ok. I know how to fix it. Know what Steve. I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow. What ever. I smiled and waved as Danny left. I went inside and went to get the first aid kit. Once I got it I sat on the couch then took off my shirt and removed my bandages. Keegan busted about four stitches. While I was fixing my wound Keegan came downstairs. She sat across from me. She looked as if he puppy ran away or something.

     "I'm sorry," she said softly. Ah don't worry about it. I didn't mean to freak out like that. What's going on? It's nothing. You don't have to lie to me. Keegan looked down trying to hold back her tears. She wasn't ready to talk about what ever happened earlier so I just left that alone for the time being. "Would you like for me to order pizza," I asked. Nah I'm just going to go upstairs. Alright. Keegan hugged me then went upstairs. I cleaned up my mess with the bandages then set up the couch so I can go to bed. I locked all the doors then laid down. I laid awake thinking about all the possible outcomes that caused Keegan being so upset. I glanced over at the digital clock. It was going on 10:30pm. I went upstairs to check on Keegan. She was asleep. I smiled then went back downstairs. I laid on the couch and went to sleep.

      Early the next morning I got up and went to shower. After my shower I went for a walk along the beach. I walked two miles away from my house. While I was out I stopped to pick up breakfast for Keegan and I then went back home. When I got there Keegan was sitting on the couch wearing a pair of black leggings and a bright pink shirt. She had her face buried into a book. It's really rare for her generation and considering the fact her phone is at the bottom of the ocean. "Whatcha reading," I asked? Trouble in paradise. You mind if I ask what it's about? Uh no. I sat next to Keegan as she handed me the book. "It's about this guy who had everything going for himself until he meets this girl he falls madly in love with." Both the guy and the girl had everything until he get manipulated into sighing for something. I'm not going to say what because you have to read the first book. I smiled as I gave Keegan back her book. Keegan placed the book on the table. "I'm starving," she said while getting up. I bought back some food. Keegan smiled.

      Whatever was bothering her last night doesn't seem to be bothering her. Keegan came back and sat next to me with two breakfast sandwiches. She tossed one onto my lap. "Eat up," she said sarcastically. I'm not hungry. Keegan laughed. "What happened yesterday," I asked? Keegan knew what I was talking about. I found out my brother was in an accident and he might not pull through. You have a brother? Yeah. Have you talked to anyone? Yesterday before my phone went into the bottom of the ocean. So much has happened since I came here. I can agree. Keegan put her head on my shoulder. "Promise you won't abandon my like mom," she said.

      My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. Not only do I have to worry about myself but I now have to worry about my teenage daughter. I can see all the pain her mother put her through. I thought it would be easy to get to know her. I mean it is easy because she not afraid to be herself but Keegan has been through so much. I can tell based off of her emotions since she's been here. I'm all she has and I don't want to let her down. I placed a kiss on Keegan's forehead. "Promise," I said.

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