Chapter 6

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Steve's POV

          While Keegan was getting the first aid kit I questioned Cameron. "What happened," I asked? It happened so fast. Can you tell me this? Was it those guys you were involved with when I met almost two years ago? I think so yeah. Alright you stay here. I grabbed my phone and went outside to call Danno. "Just when I thought you weren't going to call," he said. Not now I need you. What's going on? Are you at the Palace? Yeah why? Ok go to the computer and pull up the Inferno gang. Do I want to even know? Just do it. Sure. Text me the info once you get it. Got it. Already? No ya ding bat I got what you said I'll text you once I get it. I hung up the phone and slipped it in my pocket. I walked a few doors down to Cameron's house. The front door was open. I called for back up then went inside. Even though I'm not on duty and I don't have my gun hopefully who ever Cameron beat the snot out of is still sleeping. I mean that sarcastically. I walked through looking to see if anybody was still in there but his house was empty. I got a text from Danny

Danny Williams: hey I have two leads. One on your poison case and the Inferno gang. Meet me at Kamekona's and we can chat about it..
Me: alright be there in fifteen.

     After texting Danny, I continued to exam Cameron's house. There were signs of a struggle and forced entry. I started to think about Cameron's past. He was a troubled kid from what I know and had a few run ins with the Inferno gang but who would attack him in his own home. I paced the kitchen floor when I noticed a little boy at staring at me. "Hi," I said. Where's Cam? Are you his little brother? The little boy shook his head yes. I walked over and squatted in front of him. "Do you know what happened," I asked? The little boy just looked at me. I remember you, he said. You're a cop. Yeah. I'm Collins. I'm Commander Steve McGarrett. Collins wrapped his arms around me as I picked him up. "I called 911 will I get in trouble," he asked? No you did the right thing but I need you to tell me what happened. Ok. I put Collins down as we sat on the from step waiting for the police to arrive. "Cameron and I was watching tv when he heard something, he said. I don't know what it was but he sent me to my room and told me hide so I listened. I heard a loud crash then Cam yelling with some one. "A man or lady," I asked? Man and then I heard then tussling then I heard nothing and Cameron left. As I walked out my room the guy was bleeding every where and he walked out the back door. The police arrived as I sighed. Hello Commander, said officer Hunter.  Hey. Talk him into protective custody while I go deal with his brother. Yes sir. I looked down at Collins. You're going to go with the officers and they're going to protect you until Cameron come get you ok? Collins shook his head yes. As I walked back over to my house.

     Keegan and Cameron were sitting on the floor talking. The smile on her face melted my heart but I really needed Cameron. "Cam," I said. Yeah? Can I speak with you in private? Of course. Cameron got up and walked outside. I shut the door so Keegan couldn't hear my conversation with him. "I want you to be completely honest with me," I said. Ok. Are you running around with the Infernos again? No. Cameron? I swear I'm not. If you are I swear on your last baby toe I can't save you this time. Alright. If you're hiding something tell me now. I'm not hiding anything. Then who showed up at your house? Some guy. Is he apart of the Inferno gang? Yes. How you know? He has the same tattoo Alex has.. Why'd he attack you? I don't know he came in and started yelling then he tried hitting me but failed. Cameron I swear you better not be lying. Why would I lie to you? I mean you've done it before. I'm not the same kid you met a few years ago. I sighed. Where's Collins? He's in protective custody at the police station. I need to go get him. No leave him there until further notice. He's my brother. At least bring him here. I sighed. Stay here. I went in the house to see Keegan on the floor texting. "I'm going to the police station then to meet up with Danny," I said. Can I come? I'm taking care of business and don't you have school work? My books didn't arrive yet. Maybe next time. Keegan sighed. Fine, she whispered.

     I got the sense she didn't want to stay in the house alone but I didn't want her to tag along only because I don't want her getting involved with the wrong people. Not saying Cameron is a bad kid but he has been in trouble a few times with the law in the past. Keegan got off the floor then went upstairs. I grabbed my keys and phone. I took money out my wallet and placed it on the counter with a note with my number just in case Keegan decides to order food. I walked out the house to see Cameron sitting on the porch. "Ready kid," I asked? Yeah. We walked over to my truck and unlocked the doors. Cameron and I got in as put the key in the ignition the pulled off. We went to the police station to get Collins then I went to meet up with Danny. When I arrived at Kamekona's Danny was sitting alone and he looked irritated. I killed the engine then got out and walked over to him.

      "Hey," I said. You said fifteen minutes you took an hour. Well look have a lot to deal with. Sit. Whats going on with my poison case? Will you sit down? I sat across from Danny. "Ok," he said. So we didn't really find anything but we did find blood and it belongs to Wo Fat. What? Wo Fat is the person who ordered my father's death and I can't wait to get my hands on him. He went off the grid for a while, so why does he decide to resurface now? "Do you know where we can find Wo Fat," I asked? Uh not yet but I didn't find nothing new about the Inferno gang so Alex should be out the woods for now. Thanks Danny. How's Keegan? I don't know what to say besides she's Keegan. That's good. Has she started calling you dad yet? Nah but I have the feeling she wants to. She'll come around. I know and I'll see you at work tomorrow. Alright. I walked back over to my truck and got in. I stopped for food then went home.

        When I got home I placed my keys in the bowl on the coffee table. I went in the kitchen and decided to make chicken tacos. I thought it would be a nice surprise for Keegan. Speaking of Keegan where is she? I walked up to my room and saw the door open. That's how I knew she wasn't in there. Her phone was on the night stand and she had about three different swim shuts laid out. That's when a switch went off in my head. She much be out back in the water. I went back downstairs and went to check outside. As I walked towards the beach Keegan was coming out of the water. I picked up her towel and gave it to her. "Hey," she said. How far did you swim out? About four miles. Really? Yeah. When I lived in California I would swim an extra mile every day. Four miles doesn't see far but I couldn't see the house so I swam back. Go get ready for dinner. Ok. Keegan wrapped the towel around her then went inside. I went back into the kitchen and finished cooking. Cameron and Collins were sitting on the couch talking. "You guys want to stay for dinner," I asked? Cameron looked at me then looked at Collins. Collins smiled and shook his head yes. Alright.

     I went back in the kitchen and took out a few plates when there was a knock at the door. "I got it," Keegan yelled. I laughed as I finished getting every thing together. I heard the door shut as I walked out the kitchen. "It's a package for you Steve," Keegan said. What is it and I'm going back to work tomorrow. I don't know and Ok fine by me. Keegan went upstairs then rushed back downstairs. "Can we eat now," she whined? Yeah. Come on guys.

      We all sat at the table and basically made tacos. Cameron, Collins, Keegan's I and I just sat around the table talking and laughing. After dinner I sat in the living room with Collins while Keegan and Cameron volunteered to clean the kitchen. I had a lot on my mind especially Wo Fat. Before I didn't care if he knew where I lived it was just me but now Keegan is living with me. I can't lose her. When I find Wo Fat this time I'm going to make sure he's locked away for a long time. I would kill him but that would be too easy for him. He deserves to suffer.

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