Chapter Eight

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Justin's p.o.v.

As soon as Selena and I locked eyes everything that I had forgotten ran through my mind again. I couldn't understand how I could even forget her.

"Hi, Selena." I said breaking the silence. She just stood there with a shocked look on her face.

"Uh, hi, Justin" she said. You could tell she was unsure of what to do or even say.

Alfredo and Ryan walked away talking to other guests at the party leaving Selena and I alone.

"So, uh, how are you?" I asked scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh, uh, I'm fine. How are you?" She asked.

"Great." I smiled softly. "Do you wanna go talk out back?" I asked gesturing towards the back door.

"Sure," she responded. I walked towards the back door and she followed.

We sat on a bench in the back yard. It was silently for a little while because neither one of us new what to say.

"How is living in Canada?" She asked.

"Its okay, I guess. I'm bored with it now. There really isn't anything to do." I chuckled.

"Oh. I guess if you have seen it all there really isn't anything new or different to do." She smiled back.

You could tell she was a little confused and uncomfortable. I didn't really know what to say.

"What about you? How is life in California compared to Capetown? You were there for what almost a year, correct?" I asked, turning towards her.

"Uh, yeah, its different. California is way more busy then Capetown. I lived there a little over a year. I sort of miss it." She said looking down at her hands which were laying in her lap.

"How is Ryan and Chaz?" She asked breaking the forming silence.

"I don't know. I didn't really see them much while I was there. They have there own lives now and I don't really care for them. I feel like they used me." I sighed.

"Once I became famous things changed and so did they. They will never admit that they used me and I don't expect them too." I said leaning forwards.

"Yeah, I understand. There aren't many people you can really trust these days. Especially when you are famous." She responded.

She was right, you really couldn't trust anyone.

"Well you live and you learn." I chuckled.

"I heard you were dating again. How is that going?" She asked.

"Well, Caitlin and I started dating for a while. Turns out she was using me and lying to me." I laughed.

"I'm sorry. Nobody deserves that." she said.

"I don't really care for her anyways." I said standing up.

"I saw you on Jimmy Fallon. You sang amazingly." I smiled.

"Oh that. It was fun." She smiled.

"So when is your album coming out?" I asked.

"Um, within the next few months. I definitely think it will be my final album but its very dear to my heart." She smiled standing up.

"I can't wait to hear it." I smiled.

"I know we havn't seen each other in a while but can I give you a hug? I really missed you. After I saw you sing on Jimmy Fallon, I remembered everything. I couldn't, and still don't, understand how I could forget someone like you." I said walking towards her I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly. She surprisingly hugged me back.

"We should go inside." She said pulling away.

"Yeah, you're right." I smiled. We walked back inside together.

Selena's p.o.v.

Before the party was over I decided to leave. I needed to think. Justin was here. He was back in California. I guess that means he got his memory back.

Everything in my mind was racing. I couldn't think straight, at all. I felt bad for leaving early but to be honest, nobody even noticed I left.

Originally Written: Early 2013
Revised: Late 2015

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