Chapter Eighteen

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Justin's p.o.v

"Hello" I said trying to be nice; I didn't want anything to do with them.

After all they lied to me. It was always the same with them. The waiter brought set my food on the table and asked if I needed anything else before walking away.

"Ah, the same old, huh Justin?" Chaz asked sitting down across from me. Ryan soon joined him then Caitlin pulled up a chair to sit at the end of the table. I couldn't even look at her without being wanting to puke.

"Yeah, I guess." I said eating my food.

"When did you get back?" Ryan said trying to make conversation.

"Earlier today," I replied.

"Are you moving back again?" Caitlin asked.

"No, I'm packing the rest of the stuff at my house up to have it moved to California." I responded without even looking at her. It wasn't her business; in fact it wasn't any of their business.

"Figures." Chaz said rolling his eyes.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked looking over at him.

"You are leaving again because you remembered her. That's why none of us told you. You changed after you became famous. You never visited us, called, or anything. I hope you're happy with her. Enjoy the fame." He said pulling his phone out. Ryan just sat there looking uncomfortable.

"I changed?" I laughed.

"That's bullshit Chaz. It's called growing up. You should try it sometimes." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I got famous and I also got rich. But, I stayed in touch with you; I stayed in touch with all three of your pathetic asses. I visited as much as I could. I had a job; sorry I made something of myself while you all sat around on your asses. I worked my fucking ass off, and you want to know what? I don't regret it." I started. I was ready to tear their asses to shreds.

"I flew you guys to visit with me. I let you all stay at my place and I gave you all money. Don't fucking tell me I changed! Don't talk shit out of your ass that you know is a straight up lies. You all used me, all three of you did. If it wasn't for the fame, it was for the damn money. That's why we aren't as close anymore. But that's okay because you all showed your true colors when you didn't tell me the damn truth." I was fueled with anger at this point.

"I asked you how many times? I told each of you that I felt I had forgotten about someone or something. Do you know what you did when I told you all that? You fucking lied right to my face. If that's what a true friend does then I guess you all win an award." I spat.

"Look what she has done to you. She has you wrapped around her finger. Practically brain washed." Caitlin huffed.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that. As if you know her and as if you even know me. You know nothing. I love her and I would do anything for her. You need to stop acting like a jealous bitch and move on." I spat.

"I hope you're happy with your little slut." She laughed in my face.

"Yeah, look whose talking. You are nothing but a whore. Good luck finding someone to put up with you. Oh wait, I know the perfect person, Chaz! You two are just perfect for one another. I'm surprised I haven't thought about this sooner. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if you two hadn't already hooked up behind my back." I laughed standing up.

"I hope you all our happy. Selena means the world to me. That's something that I know now more than I ever did before. It's sad that you tried to come between that. I suggest you stay away from me. In fact, why don't you try and make a life of your own. Instead of living yours threw mine! I should get going now. Have a nice life. I hope nobody fucks you all over like you did me." I spat before walking away.

I paid my check and left. If I would have stayed any longer, I would have knocked all three of them out. Although Ryan didn't say anything, he just sat there looking uncomfortable. I felt sorry for him. Chaz always seemed to involve him in drama. Its Ryan's on fault for not standing up for himself. I hope one day he learns to stand up for himself before it's too late.

I got into my car and drove home. It didn't take me long to ease my temper and forget about those losers. It was late and I was tired. I couldn't wait to see my dad and the kids tomorrow. So I crashed as soon as I laid down.

Originally Written: Early 2013
Revised: Late 2015

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